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Commission initiative on integration of long term unemployed

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1 Commission initiative on integration of long term unemployed
ESF Committee 26 March 2015

2 Political orientations
Commission Work Programme COM(2014)910 Member States are facing the difficult challenge of getting more people into work, and ensuring that workers have the skills they need to progress and adapt to the jobs of the future. The Commission will present a package of measures to support these efforts to help boost integration in the labour market and promote skills New initiative : Proposal for a Council recommendation on integration of the long term unemployed Council Conclusions on "2015 Annual Growth Survey and Joint Employment Report" and on "Inclusive labour markets" (9 March 2015) Preventing and reducing long-term unemployment: through improved efficiency of public employment services, the effectiveness of activation and make work pay measures, and by investing in human capital as well as tailor-made active labour markets policies and integrated social services. Political urgency of supporting the current stock of long term unemployed, at risk of being left out of the current recovery. Prevention through structural reforms important, but need for remedial interventions

3 Long –term Unemployment is the main legacy of the crisis
Key figures Long –term Unemployment is the main legacy of the crisis 11.9 million long term unemployed (49% unemployed) 59% very long term unemployed Every year, 19% fall into inactivity; more than 50% remain unemployed High incidence among prime age and older workers Increasingly high proportions of low skilled are long term unemployed, contributing to polarisation and inequalities

4 Recent evolution Long term unemployment and very long term unemployment in active population (EU 28) LTU doubled between 2008 and 2013, with large divergence in the performance of MS Share of very long term unemployment (the filled area in the graph) persistently high. Large stock of long term unemployed are a social and employment policy emergency Acknowledge that LTU is not an homogeneous group (diversity of situations) High and profound social and economic consequences This is a problem for the EU (Demographic challenges – 18 M over next 20 years) Eurostat, LFS

5 Job finding rates by duration of unemployment
Integration evolution Job finding rates by duration of unemployment Rates of jobfinding among unemployed decrease sharply with duration of unemployment. The graph shows that transitions to employment decreased in the last years. For long term unemployed they remain persistently low -> sticky problem. With the initiative, we aim to make the line drop less steeply. Decrease because Population most difficult to reintegrate Longer time add an handicap to existing ones Eurostat, LFS 2013, experimental data

6 Problem Insufficient focus
Inadequate support to the long term unemployed Coverage of activation support Low coverage of active measures among long term unemployed (4% HR --> 41% AT) Diminishing spending per capita during crisis Effective activation design Links to employers and primary labour market - design of hiring subsidies and related services Countries which activate a higher share of the unemployed, which have higher participation in lifelong learning and stronger activation conditionality are more resilient to long term unemployment In 17 Member States the maximum duration of unemployment benefits/assistance is 12 months; the minimal duration is below 10 months in 25 Member States. Only in DE, DK, ES, LU, PT, FR, NL, BE is the maximum duration at 24 months or above. Most unemployed do not qualify for the maximum duration.

7 Eurostat, LFS 2013, self- declared
Problem - Discontinuity Share of unemployed receiving labour market benefits or assistance by duration of unemployment The graph shows the share of unemployed who declare to benefit from unemployment benefits or assistance. The window of action we would like to focus on is moths, to capture this moment of transition crucial for the effectiveness of further support. Type of compensation support (insurance or assistance) PES primarily serve those eligible for unemployment benefits, in most countries up to 12 months. With transition to social assistance institutions, activation effort diminishes. Type of intervention and which body PES and other bodies Turning point 12/24 months Lower coverage of assistance measures for long term unemployed shows in the declining jobfinding rates shown in the previous slides. Eurostat, LFS 2013, self- declared

8 Problem – Integration & partnerships
Insufficient coordination between delivery agents Lack of continuity in individual assessment and action plan when responsibility for services shifts Insufficient coordination between delivery agents (public employment services, municipalities, social services) – lack of clear obligations and mechanisms to cooperate Inadequate enforcement of benefits conditionality / Lack of coherence / low level of incentive to work

9 New Initiative - Objectives General objective Specific objectives
Support Member States to increase transitions from long term unemployment to employment. Specific objectives Increase the share of the long-term unemployed who receive active support leading to employment. Support Member States in re-shaping activation to better address individual barriers and labour market needs. Enhance cooperation within Member States between relevant public or outsourced services delivering activation support, benefits and social services to LTU

10 No policy change (continuation of European Semester process)
Options considered No policy change (continuation of European Semester process) Council Recommendation on general measures to address LTU (Guidelines the integration policies) Council Recommendation introducing the notion of Job integration offer (or individual activation offer)

11 March 2015 Employment Guidelines:
Baseline scenario Current EU policy European Semester (19 Member States CSRs on LTU, activation, active measures) Communication on European Semester implementation (March 2015): need to strengthen the capacity of their Public Employment Services to fight long-term unemployment. March 2015 Employment Guidelines: Comprehensive and mutually reinforcing strategies for LTU Provision of specific active support Better targeted and simplified social services European Social Fund ''Access to Employment' and 'Active Inclusion' investment priorities ( )

12 Mutual commitments Comprehensive and mutually reinforcing strategies
Option : Broad Council Recommendation Comprehensive and mutually reinforcing strategies Integrated approach delivery partnerships coordinated support offer Partnership with employers enriching services for employers awareness, incentives and post-placement support Individualised approach individualised case management tailored services Mutual commitments rights and responsibilities gradual approach

13 Job Integration Agreements
Option : Targeted Council Recommendation Job Integration Agreements Specific instrument for specific group of beneficiaries, additional to other ALMP offers Relevant activation offer Intensified point of intervention: between 12 and 24 months or after end of UB Personalised individualised approach Mutual commitments – activation, benefits, social services building on existing entitlements Single point of contact/ integration of services Open questions on the timing of intervention, on identification of the target groups and on type of agreement (contract of part of IAP)

14 Public consultation open until 15/05 on Europa website
Next steps Public consultation open until 15/05 on Europa website Impact assessment analysing different options Consultations of social partners Consultations of relevant EU committees Foreseen proposal - Summer 2015

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