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RS/CDF: Resource State/Condition Description Framework

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1 RS/CDF: Resource State/Condition Description Framework
“Device” “Expert” “Service” RSCDF University of Jyväskylä Industrial Ontologies Group

2 Measurement Units Ontology
RSCDF-Schema t s Class Resource RDFS s s t t s t t s s s Container Statement Property s s t t s RSCDFS t t t MeasurementUnit SmartResource t* t* Environment SR_Container SR_Statement s s s t s s s t t t Measurement Units Ontology t t Device Service Expert QuantityValue EnumerativeValue t t t s s s SmartMessage ResourceAgent s NumericalValue t s Non-numerical Value Ontology sr_StatementType d – SR_Statement r – SR_Property context d – SR_Statement r – SR_Container t t t Resource Ontology TempMark SR_Property s s s s s s rdfs:member member d – SR_Container r – SR_Statement rdf:predicate predicate d – SR_Statement r – SR_Property t value d – NumericalValue r – rdf:Literal rdf:value Transformation unit d – NumericalValue r – MeasurementUnit t s t Measurement t s t Condition t s t t t Maintenance Model t Description s t Transformation Ontology s t Time t s t t has_Container d – SmartResource r – SR_Container Measurement Ontology sysTime d – Environment r – TempMark Condition Ontology Model Ontology Maintenance Ontology Time Ontology s - subclass of the class s - sub property of the property t - type of the class, - type of the rdfs:Class t* rdfs:member - sub property of the RDF property

3 rscdfs:SmartResource
RSCDFS Classes rscdfs:SmartResource rscdfs:SmartResource is an upper class for all concepts that will correspond to SmartResources, which will be integrated into the target system of self-maintained resources. This class is a subclass of rdfs:Class and an instance of itself. rscdfs:Device rscdfs:Device is a direct subclass of rscdfs:SmartResource and represents an upper ontological concept/class, used for annotation of all devices being integrated into the target system. This class is an instance of itself. rscdfs:Service rscdfs:Service is a direct subclass of rscdfs:SmartResource and represents an upper ontological concept/class, used for annotation of all services being integrated into the target system. This class is an instance of itself. rscdfs:Expert rscdfs:Expert is a direct subclass of rscdfs:SmartResource and represents an upper ontological concept/class, used for annotation of all experts being integrated into the target system. This class is an instance of itself.

4 rscdfs:ResourceAgent
RSCDFS Classes rscdfs:Environment rscdfs:Environment is a direct subclass of rscdfs:SmartResource and represents an upper ontological concept/class, used for annotation of all kinds of Environments used in the target system. This class is reserved for further versions of the RSCDF-schema, and it corresponds to a runtime environment, where all components of a Smart Resource execute. Details related to rscdfs:Environment class, see in further versions of Resource State/Condition Description Framework. rscdfs:Environment is an instance of itself. rscdfs:SmartMessage rscdfs:SmartMessage is a direct subclass of rscdfs:SmartResource and represents an upper ontological concept/class, used for annotation of all kinds of Smart Messages used in the target system. Actually, this class is reserved for further versions of the RSCDF-schema, the notion of Smart Message is described in further versions of Resource State/Condition Description Framework. This class is an instance of itself. rscdfs:ResourceAgent rscdfs:ResourceAgent is a direct subclass of rscdfs:SmartResource and represents an upper ontological concept/class, used for annotation of all kinds of Resource Agents used in the target system. Actually, this class is reserved for further versions of the RSCDF-schema, the Resource Agent corresponds to Maintenance Agent, which will be designed in 2005 as the next step of the target system development. Thus, see details related to rscdfs:ResourceAgent class in further versions of Resource State/Condition Description Framework.

5 rscdfs:MeasurementUnit
RSCDFS Classes rscdfs:SR_Statement This is an upper class for all reifications of statements about a Smart Resource. This reification is defined in order to be able to express additional facts related to the main statements about Smart Resource. Very important addition is a possibility of expressing a context of a statement about a Smart Resource. rscdfs:SR_Statement is a subclass of rdfs:Statement and an instance of rdfs:Class. rscdfs:SR_Container This is an upper class for all containers that include SR_Statements. The instances of this container can represent a context for a statement as a set of other statements. Alternatively, another instance can contain statements about a certain Smart Resource, selected according to special conditions. Thus, rscdfs:SR_Container also exists with a purpose of structuring the initial plain set of statements about a Smart Resource. rscdfs:SR_Container is a subclass of rdfs:Container and an instance of rdfs:Class. rscdfs:MeasurementUnit rscdfs:MeasurementUnit is an upper class for all types of units that will correspond to numerical values of Smart Resource properties. rscdfs:MeasurementUnit is in fact a structural part of the rscdfs:NumericalValue class and relates to it via a property rscdfs:unit. rscdfs:MeasurementUnit is an upper class in Measurement Units Ontology and concrete unit enumerations will be instances of its subclasses. For example, units, which will accompany temperature values, will be enumerated as instances of a TemperatureUnit class – a descendant of the rscdfs:MeasurementUnit, like Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, etc. rscdfs:MeasurementUnit is defined as a subclass of rdfs:Class and an instance of itself.

6 rscdfs:QuantityValue rscdfs:NumericalValue rscdfs:EnumerativeValue
RSCDFS Classes rscdfs:QuantityValue The upper class for all types of values of Smart Resource properties (descendants of rscdfs:SR_Property). rscdfs:QuantityValue is a subclass of rdfs:Class and an instance of itself. rscdfs:NumericalValue The direct descendant of rscdfs:QuantityValue and an upper class for all types of numerical values of Smart Resource properties. An example of numerical value is a temperature: its values are numbers. This class is compound: it has two structural parts – rdfs:Literal, which is a metadata container for the numerical value itself, and rscdfs:MeasurementUnit, which defines the semantics of the unit of that numerical value. rscdfs:NumericalValue will be used as a class of values of many Smart Resource properties, especially of those, which originate from Measurement Ontology. rscdfs:QuantityValue is a subclass of rdfs:Class and an instance of itself. rscdfs:EnumerativeValue This class is an upper class for all types of non-numerical values of Smart Resource properties, all possible values of which can be enumerated as instances. rscdfs:EnumerativeValue is the upper class in Non-numerical Value Ontology and a direct descendant of rscdfs:QuantityValue. An example of enumerative property value can be a state of a trigger: it can be either switched on (this state will have a corresponding instance in the ontology – instance of a subclass of rscdfs:EnumerativeValue) or switched off (also will have a corresponding instance). This class is also an instance of itself. rscdfs:TempMark This class is an upper class for all classes, which will denote values of temporal properties of a Smart Resource. rscdfs:TempMark is temporarily declared as a subclass of rscdfs:EnumerativeValue, however its details will be defined more exactly in further versions of the RSCDF-schema. rscdfs:TempMark is comprised into the Non-numerical Value Ontology and is an instance of itself.

7 RSCDFS Classes rscdfs:SR_Property The family of all Smart Resource properties originate from the upper class – rscdfs:SR_Property, which is a subclass of rdf:Property. The more concrete upper classes for properties, which refine/extend rscdfs:SR_Property, are the following (they are the siblings of SR_Property): Transformation, Measurement, Condition, Maintenance, Description, Time, Model. rscdfs:Measurement The upper class for Smart Resource properties, which are a part of its state and values of which change dynamically. It can be, for instance, a temperature of a kettle and a volume of water in it. rscdfs:Measurement is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself. rscdfs:Time The upper class for all types of different temporal properties of Smart Resource. One example of such temporal property can be a time of a measurement performed for a dynamic property of smart Resource. rscdfs:Time is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself. rscdfs:Model The upper class for all types of different properties of a Smart Resource, which relate to its internal underlying model. In case of a Service as a Smart Resource, the model can be, for example, a neural network. rscdfs:Model is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself.

8 rscdfs:Transformation
RSCDFS Classes rscdfs:Condition The upper class for Smart Resource properties, which refer to its condition - a statement/label of one Smart Resource about the state of other Smart Resource derived based on analysis of observed facts about that Smart Resource. Fact in this context means any statement expressed in format of the RSCDF-schema. rscdfs:Condition is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself. rscdfs:Maintenance The upper class for all types of different maintenance procedures, which can be performed over a Smart Resource with goal of returning its state to normal. This property can be used for logging a history of all maintenance activities performed over a Smart Resource. This history can be taken into account by decision-making tools as a context for diagnostics or recommendation. rscdfs:Maintenance is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself. rscdfs:Transformation The upper class for all types of different transformations, which can be performed over a resource. These properties relate one resource (initial) to another one (resulting), which was got in consequence of applying the subject transformation. rscdfs:Transformation is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself. rscdfs:Description The upper class for all types of different Smart Resource properties, which serve as descriptions of its static features unlike rscdfs:Measurement that describes dynamic properties. Static properties of a Smart Resource can be its voltage (for Smart Resources, based on electricity); structural characteristics (e.g., number of motors). rscdfs:Description covers a large variety of Smart Resource descriptive properties, even those, which relate a Resource to a container (see rscdfs:has_Container). rscdfs:Description is a subclass of rscdfs:SR_Property and an instance of itself.

9 Ontologies Resource Ontology
Represents a family all descendants (subclasses) of upper classes (Smart Resource, Service, Device, Expert, Resource Agent, Smart Message) for annotation of all types of Smart Resources that will be integrated in the target system. Non-numerical Value Ontology Ontology of classes for all types of non-numerical values of Smart Resource properties, all possible values of which can be enumerated as instances. Measurement Units Ontology Ontology of classes for all types of units that will correspond to numerical values of Smart Resource properties.

10 Ontologies Transformation Ontology Measurement Ontology
Ontology that will contain all types of properties, which denote different transformations that can be performed over a resource. These properties relate one resource (initial) to another one (resulting), which was got in consequence of applying the subject transformation. Measurement Ontology Ontology of Smart Resource properties, which are referred to the values of the measured parameters. Condition Ontology Ontology of Smart Resource properties, which refer to its condition - a statement/label of one Smart Resource about the state of other Smart Resource derived based on analysis of observed facts about that Smart Resource. Fact in this context means any statement expressed in format of the RSCDF-schema. Maintenance Ontology Ontology of all types of different maintenance procedures represented in a form of properties, which can be performed over a Smart Resource with goal of returning its state to normal. Time Ontology Ontology for all types of different temporal properties of Smart Resource. Model Ontology Ontology for all types of different properties, which are referred to the values of the Smart Resource Models parameters.

11 SR_Statement: statement context
rscdfs:SR_Container Container of a context context rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement subject predicate object rscdfs:SR_Statement rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property context rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Statement domain range rdf:Property type rscdfs:SR_Statement is a subclass of the rdf:Statement. It also describe a statement but has a very innovative and useful addition – Statement Context. Via context property an instance of the rscdfs:SR_Statement points on a context container of other contextual statements.

12 Context composition of the SR_Container
Container of a context rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdsf:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Container Container#2 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:Description context rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#1 sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement subject predicate object Container rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Statement Resource Ontology SmartResource#1 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#1 rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement Containers are represented via Description-type SR_Statement which points on them. A context property points on a context of the container composition (each statement may be considered as a context of other statement as well as a container context).

13 Context composition of the SR_Container
rscdfs:SR_Statement Container of a context sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property subject object predicate rscdfs:Description SmartResource#1 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#1 rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#1 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#2 context Resource Ontology Container of a context Container context rscdfs:SR_Statement Container of a context rscdfs:SR_Statement context rscdfs:SR_Statement context Container of a context rscdfs:SR_Statement context Container of a context If the statements are selected to the same container, It means each of them has the pointers on the same contextual statements in own context that the container points on.

14 Context composition of the SR_Container
Container of a context sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property subject object predicate rscdfs:Description SmartResource#1 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#1 rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#1 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#2 context Resource Ontology rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Property sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement subject object predicate Container rscdf:SR_Statement subject predicate object rscdf:SR_Statement rscdf:SR_Statement rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource Resource Ontology Kettle#1 max Non-numerical Value Ontology Measurement Ontology rscdfs:Measuremenr temperature rscdf:SR_Statement A context composition is performed via a mapping of the contextual statements of the container members and container itself. However, not just the contextual statements of the container members define a container context, but also a statement (container member itself with own subject, object and predicate) may play a role of a container context. We use the blank SR_Property-type SR_Statement with a purpose to represent container member as a contextual statement with fixed subject, object and predicate jointly as well as separately. In this case performance of a context composition is extended by mapping of the contextual statement’s properties and properties of the container member statement (except the context property).

15 RSCDF_Schema v_2.0 (improvement)

16 RSCDF_Schema v_2.0 (improvement)
<rdf:Property rdf:about=" <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=" <rdfs:label>context</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment>A context of the subject property.</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=" <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=" </rdf:Property> type context rdf:Property domain range rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:PropertyContextContainer Extension of the rdf:Property to rscdfs:SR_Property with a Context property rscdfs:SR_Property type domain range rdfs:Class context rdfs:Class rscdfs:PropertyContextContainer Where rscdfs:PropertyContextContainer has the instances of the rscdfs:SR_Property class as a container members.

17 RSCDF_Schema v_2.0 (improvement)
<rscdfs:SR_Property rdf:about=" <rdfs:label>xXx</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment>some property</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:range rdf:resource=" <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=" <rscdfs:context rdf:resource=" </rscdfs:SR_Property> <rscdfs:PropertyContextContainer rdf:about=” > <rscdfs:c_member rdf:resource=" <rscdfs:c_member rdf:resource=" </rscdfs:PropertyContextContainer> xXx Container of a context domain range context rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_ContextContainer predicate …a… X1 trueInContext rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement Context tolerance range predicate X2 X1 subject predicate object X2 xXx As a rdfs:domain and rdfs:range properties, rscdfs:context property restricts a content of the rscdfs:SR_Statement context container (rscdfs:SR_ContextContainer).

18 Multiple SmartResource History
max 9:00 9:30 14:00 15:00 Coffee break Lunch Source History T Normal Temperature T < max Extreme Temperature T >= max t V V < min min < V < max V > max S1 S5 S4 S3 S2 S6 t1 t0 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17

19 Multiple SmartResource History
max max max max Time Aggregation max max max 9:00 T V < min [t0;t2] max Coffee break min < V < max t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 V > max max S4 S5 9:30 t S6 max S1 Extreme Temperature T >= max S2 S3 V max Normal Temperature T < max 14:00 15:00 max max Lunch max max max max max

20 Multiple SmartResource History
max max Time Aggregation max max max 9:00 T V < min [t0;t2] [t4;t6] max Coffee break min < V < max t0 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 V > max max S4 S5 9:30 t S6 max S1 Extreme Temperature T >= max S2 S3 V max Normal Temperature T < max 14:00 15:00 max max Lunch max max max max max

21 Multiple SmartResource History
max max Time Aggregation max max 9:00 T V < min [t0;t2] [t4;t6] [t7;t10] max Coffee break min < V < max t0 t2 t3 t4 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 V > max max S4 S5 9:30 t S6 max S1 Extreme Temperature T >= max S2 S3 V max Normal Temperature T < max 14:00 15:00 max max Lunch max max max max max

22 Multiple SmartResource History
max max Time Aggregation max max 9:00 T V < min [t0;t2] [t4;t6] [t7;t10] [t14;t17] max Coffee break min < V < max t0 t2 t3 t4 t6 t7 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 V > max S4 S5 9:30 t S6 max S1 Extreme Temperature T >= max S2 S3 V Normal Temperature T < max 14:00 15:00 max max Lunch max max max max max

23 Multiple SmartResource History
max max max max State Aggregation max max max 9:00 T V < min max Coffee break min < V < max t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 V > max max [t6;t7]&[t13;t14] S4 [t12;t13] S5 9:30 t [t3;t4]&[t10;t11] S6 max S1 [t0;t2]&[t7;t10]&[t14;t17] Extreme Temperature T >= max S2 [t4;t6]&[t11;t12] [t2;t3] S3 V max Normal Temperature T < max 14:00 15:00 max max Lunch max max max max max

24 Multiple SmartResource History
max max max max Diagnosis Aggregation max max max 8:00 T - Normality V < min - Emergency max Coffee break min < V < max t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 V > max max [t3;t4]&[t6;t7]&[t10;t11]&[t13;t14] S4 S5 10:00 t S6 max S1 Extreme Temperature T >= max [t0;t3]&[t4;t6]&[t7;t10]&[t11;t13]&[t14 ;t17] S2 S3 V max Normal Temperature T < max 14:00 15:00 max max Lunch max max max max max

25 Transformation Ontology
rscdfs:SR_Container Container#3 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:Transformation context rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#1 sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement subject predicate object rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#2 Transformation Ontology rscdfs:Transformation TimeAggreg_S-S rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#3 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#5 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#7 rscdfs:Description member rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:Description rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Property context rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#2 context rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#3 rscdfs:SR_Statement sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement sr_StatementType subject predicate object subject predicate object rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property Resource Ontology Kettle#1 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#4 Resource Ontology Kettle#1 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#6 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:Description has_Container Container rscdfs:SR_Statement Container member rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement context member rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Statement context member context rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Statement For the purpose to allow resource transformation, Transformation Ontology of the properties was included in RSCDF. Mostly (in general case) the containers are transformed to other containers, and they are connected to a resource. But at the same time a resource can be transformed without associating with other resource. It can be done during the temporal transformation or with a purpose to provide transformed resource for shared use. After the transformation the transformation SR_Statement should be added as a container context and context of each container member.

26 SmartResource -“Device” Description
max min T=max max > V > min t=[t1;t2] Kettle rscdfs:Time sysTime rscdfs:TempMark TempMark#1 --- [t1;t2] rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource Environment rdfs:Resource predicate object subject rscdfs:Time rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#2 sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement context member rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#2 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#3 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:Description context rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#1 sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement subject predicate object rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource Resource Ontology Kettle#1 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#1 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#5 member member member rscdfs:Measurement rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Property context rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#3 rscdfs:Measurement member rscdfs:SR_Statement rscdfs:SR_Container Container#4 rscdfs:SR_Property sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Container subject object rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource context rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#4 rscdfs:SR_Statement sr_StatementType Resource Ontology Kettle#1 max Non-numerical Value Ontology predicate subject object rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rscdfs:Measuremenr temperature Resource Ontology Kettle#1 max>V>min Non-numerical Value Ontology Measurement Ontology predicate rscdf:SR_Property rscdf:Measuremenr volume Measurement Ontology

27 SmartResource -“Device” Description
<?xml version='1.0' ?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [ <!ENTITY rdf ' <!ENTITY rdfs ' <!ENTITY rscdfs ' <!ENTITY rd ' <!ENTITY ontoMeasurement ' <!ENTITY ontoCondition ' ]> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdf;“ xmlns:rdfs="&rdfs;" xmlns:rscdfs="&rscdfs;" xmlns:rd="&rd;" xmlns:ontoMeasurement="&ontoMeasurement;“ xmlns:ontoCondition="&ontoCondition;" > <rscdfs:Device rdf:about="&rd;iKettle1“ rdfs:comment="Kettle#1 is an instance of rscdfs:Device class“ rdfs:label="Kettle"> </rscdfs:Device> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement1" rdfs:comment="Describes that resource has a container" rdfs:label="SR_Statement1"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rd;iKettle1"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&rscdfs;has_Container"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer1"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer2"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Description"/> </rscdfs:SR_Statement> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer1" rdfs:comment="Container of iKettle1" rdfs:label="Container1"> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement3"/> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement4"/> </rscdfs:SR_Container> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer2" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement1" rdfs:label="Container2"> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement2"/> </rscdfs:SR_Container> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer3" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement2" rdfs:label="Container3"> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer4" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement4" rdfs:label="Container4"> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer5" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement3" rdfs:label="Container5">

28 SmartResource -“Device” Description
<rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement2" rdfs:comment="Describes a time of environment" rdfs:label="SR_Statement2"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Environment"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&rscdfs;sysTime"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iTempMark1"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer3"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Time"/> </rscdfs:SR_Statement> <rscdfs:TempMark rdf:about="&rd;iTempMark1" rdfs:comment="Describes value of the time" rdfs:label="TempMark1"> </rscdfs:TempMark> <rscdfs:EnumerativeValue rdf:about="&rd;iEnumerativeValue1" rdfs:comment="Describes value of the Kettle1 temperature" rdfs:label="EnumerativeValue1"> </rscdfs:EnumerativeValue> <rscdfs:EnumerativeValue rdf:about="&rd;iEnumerativeValue2" rdfs:comment="Describes value of the Kettle1 volume" rdfs:label="EnumerativeValue2"> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement3" rdfs:comment="Describes a temperature measurement of Kettle1" rdfs:label="SR_Statement3"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rd;iKettle1"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&ontoMeasurement;temperature"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iEnumerativeValue1"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer5"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Measurement"/> </rscdfs:SR_Statement> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement4" rdfs:comment="Describes a volume measurement of Kettle1" rdfs:label="SR_Statement4"> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&ontoMeasurement;volume"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iEnumerativeValue2"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer4"/> </rdf:RDF>

29 SmartResource -“Service” Description
model t=[t3;t4] Diagnostic model Condition Service: neural network rscdfs:Time sysTime rscdfs:TempMark TempMark#2 --- [t3;t4] rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource Environment rdfs:Resource predicate object subject rscdfs:Time rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#6 sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement context member rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#7 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#8 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:Description context rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#5 sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement subject predicate object rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property rdfs:Resource Resource Ontology NN_Service#1 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#6 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#11 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:Description member rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#9 rscdfs:SR_Statement member rscdfs:SR_Property context rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#8 predicate rscdfs:SR_Statement sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Property subject predicate object Model Ontology rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rscdfs:Condition rscdfs:SR_Property Resource Ontology NN_Service#1 rscdfs:SR_Container Container#10 rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:Description has_Model rscdfs:SR_Container Container#9 member max min T=max max > V > min t=[t1;t2] rscdfs:SR_Container member context rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#7 rscdfs:SR_Statement sr_StatementType subject object rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource sr_StatementType rscdfs:SR_Statement rdfs:Resource rscdfs:SR_Property subject object predicate rscdfs:Description Kettle#1 rscdfs:Description has_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#1 rscdfs:SR_Statement Statement#1 rscdfs:SR_Container rscdfs:SR_Container Container#2 context Resource Ontology Resource Ontology NN_Service#1 normality Non-numerical Value Ontology predicate rscdfs:SR_Property rscdfs:Condition diagnosis Condition Ontology

30 SmartResource -“Service” Description
<?xml version='1.0' ?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [ <!ENTITY rdf ' <!ENTITY rdfs ' <!ENTITY rscdfs ' <!ENTITY rd ' <!ENTITY ontoMeasurement ' <!ENTITY ontoCondition ' ]> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdf;“ xmlns:rdfs="&rdfs;" xmlns:rscdfs="&rscdfs;" xmlns:rd="&rd;" xmlns:ontoMeasurement="&ontoMeasurement;“ xmlns:ontoCondition="&ontoCondition;" > <rscdfs:Service rdf:about="&rd;iNN_Service1" rdfs:comment="NN_Service#1 is an instance of rscdfs:Service class" rdfs:label="NN_Service"> </rscdfs:Service> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement5" rdfs:comment="Describes that NN_Service1 has a container" rdfs:label="SR_Statement5"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rd;iNN_Service1"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&rscdfs;has_Container"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer6"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer7"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Description"/> </rscdfs:SR_Statement> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer6" rdfs:comment="Container of iSR_Statement5" rdfs:label="Container6"> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement7"/> </rscdfs:SR_Container> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer7" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement5" rdfs:label="Container7"> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement6"/> </rscdfs:SR_Container> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer8" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement6" rdfs:label="Container8"> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer9" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement7" rdfs:label="Container9"> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement1"/> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement8"/>

31 SmartResource -“Service” Description
<rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement6" rdfs:comment="Describes a time of environment" rdfs:label="SR_Statement6"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Environment"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&rscdfs;sysTime"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iTempMark2"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer8"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Time"/> </rscdfs:SR_Statement> <rscdfs:TempMark rdf:about="&rd;iTempMark2" rdfs:comment="Describes value of the time" rdfs:label="TempMark2"> </rscdfs:TempMark> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement7" rdfs:comment="Describes a diagnosis that was determined by NN_Service1" rdfs:label="SR_Statement7"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rd;iNN_Service1"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&ontoCondition;diagnosis"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iEnumerativeValue3"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer9"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Condition"/> <rscdfs:EnumerativeValue rdf:about="&rd;iEnumerativeValue3" rdfs:comment="Describes value of the diagnosis by NN_Service1" rdfs:label="EnumerativeValue3"> </rscdfs:EnumerativeValue> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement8" rdfs:comment="Describes that NN_Service1 has a container(Model)" rdfs:label="SR_Statement8"> <rdf:subject rdf:resource="&rd;iNN_Service1"/> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&rscdfs;has_Container"/> <rdf:object rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer10"/> <rscdfs:context rdf:resource="&rd;iContainer11"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Description"/> </rscdfs:SR_Statement> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer10" rdfs:comment="Container of iSR_Statement8" rdfs:label="Container10"> </rscdfs:SR_Container> <rscdfs:SR_Container rdf:about="&rd;iContainer11" rdfs:comment="Contextual Container of iSR_Statement8" rdfs:label="Container11"> <rscdfs:member rdf:resource="&rd;iStatement9"/> <rscdfs:SR_Statement rdf:about="&rd;iSR_Statement9" rdfs:comment="Describes that context of the container is a predicate (instance of the rscdfs:Model property)" rdfs:label="SR_Statement9"> <rscdfs:predicate rdf:resource="&rscdfs;Model"/> <rscdfs:st_StatementType rdf:resource="&rscdfs;SR_Property"/> </rdf:RDF>

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