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The Rapid Needs Assessment tool in the Mosul Operation context

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1 The Rapid Needs Assessment tool in the Mosul Operation context

2 Session objective and outline
Shared understanding of what the tool can and cannot do. What is the RNA Iraq? Why develop it? Why use it? Where are we in the process? Your role. Our support. .

3 What is the RNA? The Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) is the outcome of a renewed joint effort of the humanitarian community based in Iraq to conduct multi-organization, multi-sector , rapid and location specific humanitarian needs assessment in non-camp setting. Primary Focus: accessible areas in Mosul city and nearby villages. Secondary Focus: application in other areas of Iraq .

4 Why propose a joint rapid assessment tool?
IMPROVED COORDINATION Same tool allows for inter-agency assessment coordination – who can cover what areas? Need for coordinated assessment approach to both East and West Mosul IMPROVED COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Same tool allows for comparative analysis across areas Currently a variety of tools are used = no comparative analysis (“apples vs oranges”) RAPID INFORMATION SHARING One tool + one server = 24/7 “live” public data stream . We did not have one that was functioning, one that providing the right data to the right partners, one that was used adequately, one that allowed for accessible data, etc.

5 The “assessment gap” in Iraq
Accessible in East Mosul Inaccessible in West Mosul Spatial Out of camp IDP (informal sites) in camp IDP (formal sites) Village/ neighborhood Temporal↓ ‘Stayees’ Returnees Hosts/ hosted IDPs Hosts/ IDPs First Access (D1) Yes Partially Rapid (D2-D5) No Less rapid (D5+) We did not have one that was functioning, one that providing the right data to the right partners, one that was used adequately, one that allowed for accessible data, etc.

6 Why use it? Identify the main humanitarian issues and priority needs in the given location. Identify the population group for which the problems are most severe. Estimate the proportion of people in need of humanitarian assistance. Inform immediate response Inform (or support prioritizing) and coordinated in-depth assessment interventions. Easy to use tool. Remember: RNA is a coordinated area-based rapid assessments tool to facilitate a shared understanding of the situation and prioritize immediate response according to needs. .

7 Where are we in the process?
Preparations Start of primary data collection . NOV JAN FEB MAR MAR APR 19 March Finalization of tool and technical setup Humanitarian access Mosul Operation begins Renewed efforts to coordinate rapid needs assessments Primary data collection (KI) Pilot training Focus: Mosul City Deployed assessment expertise (CASS) Field pre-testing Data entry and processing New round of consultations and incorporate cluster feedback

8 Your role? Coordinate Skype Group; through Zone Coordinators and Clusters. Assess (as you have been doing so far) Identify, locate and meet with Key informants Listen, observe and remember information Organise the info into one questionnaire. Submit. Debrief. Prepare neighbourhood snapshot. Respond .

9 Our support Open data: curated data stream available for clusters and partners for further analysis. Confidential and sensitive data will be removed from the dataset. Advocacy, outputs and visibility – dashboard and ad-hoc products. Coordination – facilitate coordination of response and assessments through identification of gaps and overlaps. Tech support – briefings, trainings, one-on-one sessions. Lessons Learned – improvement/scaling of the methodology, tool, assessment plan, etc. Tool completed , endorsed Roll-out Linkages with other tools Developing SOPs WE can do a baseline in Mosul East Location-specifc rapid in East to inform immediate response Start with location specific approach w the RNA, with an eye towards sampling at a later date, 'sentinel' locations where the RNA could be repeated at interval, or completed remotely via KI 'registry' of trusted persons designated during 1st visit...

10 Data Management & Outputs
One Database Partner 1 Location 1 1xAssessment Partner 2 Location 2 Partner 3 Location 3 Partner 4 Location 4 Partner 5 Location 5 Open raw data Dashboard Use of Assessment Registry Ad-hoc Products (Cluster, inter-cluster, agency-specific)

11 Questions? .

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