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Time to follow a curiosity.

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Presentation on theme: "Time to follow a curiosity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time to follow a curiosity.
Passion Projects Time to follow a curiosity.

2 A Round Tuit

3 Grandma’s Round Tuit

4 PASSION PROJECT This is a gift of time.
Finally, you can get around to finding out about that thing you always wondered about.


6 You have time… Practice patience and determination.
Go deep. Practice patience and determination. Stick with it and go as deeply as possible.

7 Don’t type in your whole question:
You have time… Don’t type in your whole question: Pick the best terms and type them in. Be specific.

8 You have time… Check the bibliography for your new search ideas.
Start with Wikipedia: Check the bibliography for your new search ideas.

9 Repeat searches as you learn more.
You have time… Repeat searches as you learn more. As you gain knowledge, you will be in a better position to judge which sites will help you.

10 You have time… READ what you find. Read, think, absorb, consider, and then if it is useful…copy and paste.

11 Use the search limiters.
You have time… Use the search limiters. Under Look in Books or More or Tools.

12 You have time… Check World Book. They have some great tools and the bibliography is very useful.

13 You have time… Check EBSCO. The district subscribes to databases that include periodicals going back decades.

14 You have time… Consider credibility. When you find a website, check the author (google her to find out her credentials), consider who the site is aimed at, and look at the advertising.

15 Ask your librarian. She is a research specialist.
You have time…

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