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2 LEARNING TARGET 6 Cite arguments from the Federalist Papers and/or the Anti-Federalist Papers that supported their position on the issue of how well the Constitution upheld the principle of limited government. When the Constitution of the United States was before the states for ratification, various attempts were made to influence the ratification debates. The proponents of ratification became known as Federalists and the opponents as Anti-Federalists. Both sides prepared essays that outlined their arguments.

On the powers of the national government under the proposed Constitution: powers given to national government helped to counteract problems under the Articles of Confederation national government’s power was defined and limited On the powers of the states under the proposed Constitution: State sovereignty had to give way in favor of the general welfare of the nation states still held many residual powers not given to the national government

On the powers of the national government under the proposed Constitution: truly important powers to govern had been delegated to the national government “necessary and proper” and “supremacy” clauses made ineffective any limitations on the powers of the national government On the powers of the states under the proposed Constitution: states had little role other than to oversee the selection of federal officials

Federalists Successes won the overall debate on the basic principles of government ratification of the Constitution of the United States Anti-Federalists Successes limitations placed on national government power through the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments)

6 REVIEW AND PRACTICE As you watch the video below, take notes on the differences between the Federalists and Antifederalists on the power of the national government and states.

7 Antifederalist Papers
esc REVIEW AND PRACTICE Complete the task below by the moving the boxes to the correct column on the chart. Press the esc key for edit mode Federalist Papers Antifederalist Papers supported a strong national government argued in favor of a bill of rights believed state sovereignty had to give way to the general welfare opposed the necessary and proper and supremacy clauses

8 Press the esc key for edit mode
REVIEW AND PRACTICE Decide whether the quote represents a Federalist or Antifederalist argument. Highlight the correct box and explain your answer in the blank box provided. “We have now reviewed all the articles composing the sum or quantity of power delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, and are brought to this undeniable conclusion, that no part of the power is unnecessary or improper for accomplishing the necessary objects of the Union.” Press the esc key for edit mode Federalist Antifederalist Note: To highlight, select the “Text Color” button on the top bar, choose “Highlight” and select a color.

9 Press the esc key for edit mode
REVIEW AND PRACTICE Decide whether the quote represents a Federalist or Antifederalist argument. Highlight the correct box and explain your answer in the blank box provided. “It is declared that ‘this Constitution and the laws of the United States... shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitutions or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.’ The Congress are therefore vested with the supreme legislative power, without control. In giving such immense, such unlimited powers, was there no necessity of a Bill of Rights, to secure to the people their liberties?” Press the esc key for edit mode Federalist Antifederalist Note: To highlight, select the “Text Color” button on the top bar, choose “Highlight” and select a color.

10 REVIEW AND PRACTICE Click here for the Brain Rush review and practice
Click here for the Edcite Mastery Assessment Note: this assessment includes content from Modules 2A, 2B, and 2C.

11 CREDITS Developed by Columbus City Schools
Office of Teaching and Learning Secondary Curriculum Division Social Studies Department Cadwal template courtesy of Slides Carnival

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