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PowerPoint 4 Federal Bureaucracy

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1 PowerPoint 4 Federal Bureaucracy
American Government - Unit 4

2 Essential Questions: How would the United States be without any government bureaucracy? Could we function as a society? Why/Why not? Does the United States have too much bureaucracy? If so, what would we get rid of?

3 Crash Course Video #15 Bureaucracy Basics:

4 What is a Bureaucracy? Bureaucracy:
large, complex administrative structure that handles the everyday business of an organization. must have hierarchical authority, job specialization, and formalized rules

5 Federal Bureaucracy All of the agencies, people, and procedures through which the federal government operates. The means by which the Federal Government administers public policy.

6 Bureaucratic Organization
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7 Cabinet Departments - 15 State Treasury Defense, Justice
Attorney General Interior Agriculture Commerce Labor Transportation Energy, Education Veterans Affairs Homeland Security Health and Human Services Housing and Urban Development

8 Independent Agencies Separate from cabinet departments, designed or intended to be less political and be free from direct control from the executive branch NASA, Federal Reserve System Federal Election Commission Social Security CIA

9 Bureaucratic Organization
Government Corporations – businesses that the federal government supports and runs to provide services directly to the people: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Postal Service etc.

10 Bureaucratic Organization
Regulatory Commissions – unique in that they are independent of all three branches of government – meant to protect the commissions from political pressure to ensure impartial enforcement and regulation: Federal Communications Commission Securities and Exchange Commission Federal Election Commission Federal Trade Commission

11 Civil Service System Established to fill government positions by way of competitive examination and merit. as opposed to the political favors, patronage, and kick-backs offered with the Spoils System. Remember “Boss Tweed”?

12 Civil Service Jobs Generally considered good jobs with good pay and benefits. Hard to get fired from some complain this is why we have such poor service at places like the DMV 

13 Essential Questions: How would the United States be without any government bureaucracy? Could we function as a society? Why/Why not? Does the United States have too much bureaucracy? If so, what would we get rid of?

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