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Vikings By Francesca.

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Presentation on theme: "Vikings By Francesca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vikings By Francesca

2 Contents Where did they come from? How did they travel?
What did they wear? What were their homes like? How did they entertain themselves? Gods & Goddesses

3 Where did they come from?
Back to contents page Where did they come from? They came from Scandinavia Norway Sweden Denmark The Vikings were also known as Norsemen. (People of the north)

4 How did they travel? To find out which way to travel, their sailors sometimes released ravens. The ravens flew to land and the Vikings followed. They travelled by boat or “long ship.” They were great travellers and sailed to other parts of Europe, where they traded, raided, and often settled To keep evil spirits away, Vikings had a dragons head at the top of their ship.

5 What did they wear? Vikings clothes were made out of: Wool Linen
Animal skins

6 What were their homes like?
Vikings built their houses out of wood, stone or blocks of turf. They built large rectangular houses with wood stood upright.

7 Entertainment Vikings did not have technology. They had to make their own entertainment. They had board games, they sang songs and they told stories. To see a video search the address below into YouTube.

8 Gods & goddesses Thor – God of thunder
Odin – leader of Gods, magic, war and poetry Freyr – God of fertility agriculture Freyjr – twin of Freyr, God of love and fertility

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