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2 A: Answer Answer the question in the form of a statement. Example:
How did Jackie Robinson demonstrate the trait of perseverance? A: Jackie Robinson demonstrated the traits of perseverance by not quitting the baseball team despite the discrimination he faced.

3 P: Proof Cite proof for your answer with information that provides support for your argument. TIPS: Use a quote or specific example from the text. Be sure to introduce quote and put quotation marks around direct quotes. Example: P: For example, the author states, “At every game, he had to put up with abuse from the stands, but something inside him would not let him give up.”

4 E: Explain Write a sentence that explains your answer and the supporting proof/evidence. This is where you further explain how the evidence supports your answer/argument, or rather, the “so what?” part of your response. Example: E: By not giving up, Jackie Robinson was able to break color barriers and become the first African American to play in baseball’s major league.

5 Full APE Response: Jackie Robinson demonstrated the traits of perseverance by not quitting the baseball team despite the discrimination he faced. For example, the author states, “At every game, he had to put up with abuse from the stands, but something inside him would not let him give up.” By not giving up, Jackie Robinson was able to break color barriers and become the first African American to play in baseball’s major league.

6 Let’s Practice! Question: Should Mrs. Queen eat at Chic-Fil-A or McDonalds for lunch? Answer the question in a complete sentence. Proof—provide factual evidence to support why I should eat at the restaurant you chose. Explain how your proof supports the stance you chose to take in this argument.


8 Slip or Trip? At five-feet-six, and a hundred and ten pounds, Queenie Black was a sight to behold, and to clasp. And when she tore out of the house after a tiff with her husband, Arthur, she went to the country club where there was a party going on. She left the club shortly before one in the morning and invited a few friends to follow her home and have one more drink. They got to the Black’s house about ten minutes after Queenie, who met them at the door and said, “Something terrible happened—Arthur slipped and fell on the stairs. He was coming down for another drink—he still had the glass in his hand—and I think he’s dead. Oh my goodness—what shall I do?” The autopsy concluded that Arthur had died from a wound on the head, and confirmed the fact that he’d been drunk. What do you think happened?

9 Use the A.P.E. formula to create your argument:

10 Vote or Die? Is voting really a civic duty, or should some people not vote? Watch the clip entitled “Vote or Die.” Then, use the APE format to Answer, Prove, and Explain your response below. For your proof, you will need to include at least one reference to the video clip.

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