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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Analysing Bit Torrent Traffic : A Geographic Insight Xinghua He ( ) Eric Tang ( ) SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

2 Outline Introduction What is Bit Torrent ? How does BT work ?
Our project What does our project encompass ? How are we doing it ? The results of the project The analysis of the results Future work References Questions

3 1. Introduction What is Bit Torrent?
Peer-to-peer protocol for downloading files (especially large files) compared to classic server-to-client topology. Allows distribution of “popular” files without causing massive bandwidth costs and overloading from source ( Faster when more people involved. Used widely for pirated material.

4 1. Introduction How does it work?
Uses a special torrent metafile (contains information of the tracker and hash verification of files) of the software/multimedia desired by the client user. Client contacts the tracker to register its “participation”. Tracker responds with a list of peers sharing who are downloading and/or uploading. Handshakes and piece amount information are performed with other peers. Pieces exchange begins. Periodically contacts the tracker.

5 2. Our project What does our project encompass?
Analyse the geographic distribution of peers for various torrents; Finding factors associating with the distribution of peers; Comment on possible optimization techniques with geographic distribution;

6 2. Our project How are we doing it? Two torrent clients
(1 in Sydney, 1 in Miami) (eliminate geographic influence). Downloading of Ubuntu Linux distro, popular american tv show and popular Korean tv show. Wireshark to sniff out source Ips. IP ligence Geolocation Database. Files removed after downloading.

7 3. The results of the project (1)

8 3. The results of the project (2)

9 3. The results of the project (3)

10 3. The results of the project (4)

11 3. The results of the project (5)

12 3. The results of the project (6)

13 4. The analysis of results
Geographic distribution depends on the type of media being shared. Location of client does not influence the peer distribution. The “popular” the torrent, the more peers within swarm. Client list is random. Popularity defined by the nature of the media itself (i.e. TV ratings) and overall availability ratio.

14 5. Future work Current debate over latency peer selection:
Latency vs AS based selection; Optimal for small files (i.e game updates); Optimal for high speed internet nations (i.e korea). May be hard to implement new peer selection algorithm due to protocol fragmentation. More simulation and experiments are needed before deciding on amending selective peering.

15 6. References Wikimedia Foundation Inc 2011, the United States, accessed 24 May 2011, < May 2011,< Raymond, LX, Jogesh, KM 2010,’A Survey Of BitTorrent Performance’, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, pp

16 7. Questions



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