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Direcctions of Growth Directions of Growth Spiritual Growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Direcctions of Growth Directions of Growth Spiritual Growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direcctions of Growth Directions of Growth Spiritual Growth

2 Introduction It is a natural process for living things to grow
Direcctions of Growth Introduction It is a natural process for living things to grow An infant begins to grow at the point of conception In Psalms 1:3 the writer compares man to a flourishing tree Spiritual Growth

3 Introduction The tree grows in four directions: downward upward inward

4 I. The Christian Must Grow Downward
The root system of a tree is very important Withstands wind & storms and draws in food

5 I. The Christian Must Grow Downward
We must have deep spiritual roots Eph. 3:17 Col 2:7 Col. 1:23 Lk. 8:6, 13

6 II. The Christian Must Grow Upward
Many are concerned only with the physical life They never look up! We must look up to God in order to grow spiritually

7 II. The Christian Must Grow Upward
Direcctions of Growth II. The Christian Must Grow Upward Heb. 12:1-2 As we are going upward, we are growing upward Phil. 3:14 Phil. 3:20 Spiritual Growth

8 III. Christians Must Grow Inward
Many fail to grow because they never truly change their hearts Mt. 5:8 Proverbs 23:7 2 Pet. 1: 5-8

9 III. Christians Must Grow Inward
One’s outward life reflects what is inside Mt. 5:16 If you are not getting stronger spiritually, it is because you are not growing inwardly.

10 IV. Christians Must Grow Outwardly
We are to bear spiritual fruit Jn. 15: 4-6 1 Cor. 3:6-7 Let us look outward-to the lost, the needy, the discouraged, the wayward

11 IV. Christians Must Grow Outwardly
Mt. 28:19-20 Gal. 6:10 Gal. 6:1

12 Direcctions of Growth Conclusion 2 Pet. 3:18 We are to grow in a way which is pleasing to God As we grow, the Kingdom of God will grow Spiritual Growth

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