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Pseudo-Higgs Signals at LHC

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Presentation on theme: "Pseudo-Higgs Signals at LHC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pseudo-Higgs Signals at LHC
A general interpretation of Higgs Data Linda Carpenter @ Moriond 2013 Work done with J. Goodman, T. Han and N. Christensen

2 New Particle at ~126 GeV is it a standard Higgs?




6 May be deviations from Standard Higgs scenario


8 If the Higgs results deviate from the minimal case they will point us towards models of New Physics. Different models will effect ratios of Higgs events in certain channels. For example extra charged leptons will change the Higgs effective coupling to photons and not gluons.

9 Effective Operator Method
Parameterize New Physics as series of effective operators in the Lagragrangian

10 Express the Operators as Effective Couplings

11 We can pick difference parameterizations for the coefficients

12 All relevant Higgs processes may be written as functions of different effective couplings

13 We may calculate analytic xsecs for 126 GeV particle in terms of effective couplings
For example Single Higgs Production and Associated Production

14 And 2-3 Processes

15 We Can calculate how each coefficient effects the varies with sqrt S

16 We Also Calculate Branching Fractions

17 We can use ratios of Higgs events in different final states to rule on models of new physics: each model will have a unique prediction of number of Higgs events in each standard search channel

18 This Procedure works for any Higgs-like state whose cross sec x b
This Procedure works for any Higgs-like state whose cross sec x b.f may be Calculated for any Mass

19 Conclusions With effective operator analysis we may calculate analytic xsec, production times bf for Higgs-like states in any search channel in any mass bin We may scale these results by sqrt s In any BSM model there will be correlations across channels therefore Results may be used to rule on a wide variety BSM Higgs scenarios by comparing to SM Higgs searches across channels

20 So far all xsec times bf’s have been calculated for 126 GeV particle
Now we may test a variety of BSM scenarios, eg heavy fermions, colored scalars, 2 Higgs doublet models, NMSSM scenarios

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