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Study - 5 Setting up the Kingdom.

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1 Study - 5 Setting up the Kingdom

2 The Little Scroll “…is the most important fragment of the apocalypse. It contains the catastrophe of the plot, without which all the rest would be of little interest to the believer…They (the 7 thunders) are…the judgments of the 7th vial”

3 The time of the end …Revelation continues the story…
Dan 11:40 – the time of the end. 12:1 – same time period… Saints resurrected & glorified…rep by collective 12:3 – Shine like…the stars. (v7) hand to heaven + sware by God… Finished Rev 10:6 – time no longer (AV)…How Long? 10:1 - Face shines like star (sun) (v7) …hand to heaven + sware by God… Finished …Revelation continues the story…

4 Psalm 149 Christ & the saints (us) The kingdoms of this world

5 List of duties Armageddon – Joel 3; Ez 38; Zech 14; Rev 16; Dan 11:44-45. Moab prepared – Isa 11:14; 16, cp 60:7, like the days of old II Kgs 3:4 Smiting and healing of Egypt – Isa 19 Mid-heaven proclamation – Rev 14:6-7; Psm 2:10-12 Rome destroyed – Rev 14;16;18 Elijah’s work – Rev 10; Ez 20; Temple built – Ez 40-48 Land cleansed – Ez 39

6 The Sins of Rome Killed his children - Rev 6:9; 11:2,7; 12:10-13,17; 13:7; 15:6; 17:6; 18:20,24; 19:2; 20:4. Blasphemers – Rev 13:5-6; 16:9-11,21; 17:3. Unrepentant – Rev 9:20-21; 16:9,11. Worshiped as God – Rev13:4,12-16; 19:20; 20:4. Idolaters & Thieves – Rev 9:20-21. Fornicators – Rev 14:8; 17:2,4-5; 18:3,9.

7 Yahweh has opened his armoury and brought out the weapons of his wrath
Jer 50:20-23 What the Medes did to the OT Babylon, Christ and the saints will do to the NT Babylon by the hand of the Jews. Zech 9:15;10:5; 12:4-9; 14:3,14 Warrior Rev 10 Zech 9:13-14 Judah – Bow Ephraim - Arrow Zech 9:13 Sword Zech 10:3 Majestic steed Sickle Rev 14:15

8 List of duties Armageddon – Joel 3; Ez 38; Zech 14; Rev 16; Dan 11:44-45. Moab prepared – Isa 11:14; 16, cp 60:7, like the days of old II Kgs3:4 Smiting and healing of Egypt – Isa 19 Mid-heaven proclamation – Rev 14:6-7 Rome destroyed – Rev 14;16;18 Elijah’s work – Rev 10; Ez 20; Temple built – Ez 40-48 Land cleansed – divided and ready for worship Ez 39

9 Christ says (Rev 22:7,12,20) “Quickly)…
2000yrs NOT very fast. From (Duet 9:11-16).

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