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Programmable Logic Devices

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Presentation on theme: "Programmable Logic Devices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Programmable Logic Devices
Lecture No. 19 Programmable Logic Devices Asalam O Aleikum students. I am Waseem Ikram. This is the ninteenth lecture in a series of 45 lectures on Digital Logic Design.

2 Recap Multiplexer 2-input, 4-bit Mux 8-input Mux 16-input Mux
3 minute

3 Recap Multiplexer Applications 2-Digit Mux based display circuit
Parallel to Serial Conversion Function Generators Operation Sequencing 3 minutes 6 minutes

4 Demultiplexer 1-to-4 Demultiplexer (fig 1) ALU to Register connection
Series to Parallel Converter (fig 2) 4 minutes 10 minutes

5 PLDs Programmable OR/AND gate Arrays (fig 3)
Programmed OR/AND gate arrays (fig 4) PLD types PROM (fig 5) PLA (fig 6) PAL (fig 7) GAL (fig 8) 8 minutes 24 minutes

6 PALs PAL programmed for SOP (fig 9)
PAL representation by simpler ckt. (fig 10) PAL programmable outputs (fig 11) PAL Combinational o/p (fig 12a) PAL Combinational i/p-o/p (fig 12b) PAL Programmable Polarity (fig 12c) PAL Identification (fig 13) 10 minutes 34 minutes

7 PLAs PLA circuit (fig 14) PLA Programming (fig 15)
Programming PLA for 0 and 1 (fig 16) Odd-Prime number checker (fig 17) 8 minutes 42 minutes

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