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Interested in joining the EPAWG-L listserv?  It's easy! Just send an to 

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Presentation on theme: "Interested in joining the EPAWG-L listserv?  It's easy! Just send an to "— Presentation transcript:

Interested in joining the EPAWG-L listserv?  It's easy! Just send an to  with: SUBSCRIBE EPAWG-L FirstName LastName  in the body of the message. Or send an to @EPAWG1

2 EPAWG’s purpose is to create a forum for information exchange and collaboration in the areas of physical activity research, measurement, evaluation, clinical and community implementation, behavior change, policy and capacity building and its open to all the Emory University community (students, faculty)  





7 Do you have any specific physical activity research interests/questions? Please Briefly describe

8 Spring/Summer/Fall Newsletter Seminars Meetings Special events
EPAWG Social media

9 Some planned activities
EIMGRCC launch Late November EIM Tech think thank Summer 2016 Student accelerometer training PA courses for RSPH/SOM, others Coursera Training: PAPH courses EIM courses Lancet PA observatory launch Multi-national studies EIM, IPEN, ELAN Atlanta PA evaluation projects Collaborative grants

10 Subgroups/grants Exercise is Medicine integration in different clinical populations (primary care/lifestyle clinic, CKD, HIV, Cardiology, Geriatrics, Pediatrics) and Health services research/health policy  PA and objective measurement /MHealth PA and social networks Fitness and CVD health PA and lifestyle medicine curriculum for public health, medicine and health sciences students Improving safety for active commuting on campus (Emory Bicycle users group – E-Bug)

11 Sara Hanson (EPAWG coordinator)
Felipe Lobelo: Michael Pratt: EPAWG social media (Moriah Bellisimo) @epawg facebook/epawg

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