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When writing ….

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1 When writing …

2 1.Answer the question In writing exams you can write a text with no grammar or spelling mistakes and not pass the exam, it is essential to answer the question and to stick to the topic. Put all the necessary information in your text. Avoid irrelevant information. Write the correct number of words.Texts that are very long or very short do not usually get good marks.

3 2.Style It’s important to understand who you are writing to. We do not write in the same way to a friend as to a company director. In informal texts we use contractions and short, direct sentences. (Learning another language can improve your career and social life. Some people also say it can make you smarter, but others disagree).We also use informal expressions, phrasal verbs, slang, exclamations. In semi-formal texts (interaction with colleagues, teacher, popular magazines/books, when talking with someone in authority or who you respect) we can use contractions, phrasal verbs and idioms but we use polite English. In formal texts we do not use contractions, and we tend to use longer, more complex sentences. (Research has shown that learning a second language, in addition to leading to expanded career and social opportunities, can also expand the reasoning capability of the brain, although this finding is disputed by some scientists). We also use formal words: purchase, require, obtain, … You get a better mark when you write in the correct style.

4 3. Planning before you write.
Before you write in English, it is always a good idea to plan. This helps you to think of ideas: What are you going to say? What grammar do you need? And words? Planning helps you to organize the information in a clear, logical way. It also helps you not to repeat yourself. Planning takes a little time, but it saves time when you start to write. It also helps you to write a good,interesting text.

5 4. Paragraphs. A paragraph is made up of different sentences which talk about one main topic. Usually you have a topic sentence that sums up what the paragraph will cover and some supporting sentences with facts or examples. (My home town is known for several amazing and natural features. First, Ford Lauderdale is noted for its beautiful beaches. Just west of town is the Florida Everglades, a unique national park. The third stunning feature is …) Use connectors to relate ideas in paragraphs. All sentences need to relate to the main idea in the paragraph. The reader should be able to see how each sentence flows from the previous one and how each is connected to the topic sentence. Sentence connectors weave sentences together to create a cohesive paragraph.

6 6. Checking your work. It is normal to make mistakes when we write. That is why it is important to read your work carefully when you finish. Check for mistakes with: punctuation and spelling grammar: articles, tenses, word order, agreement between subject and verb vocabulary used use of paragraphs

7 7. Handwriting and presentation.
Sometimes we forget that handwriting and presentation are very important in writing exams. If examinsers find it difficult to read your work or if they can’t understand, you will lose marks. Give yourself enough time to write clearly or do a final, clean version of your text.

8 And remember: practice makes perfect.
Good luck!

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