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Year 2 Cursive handwriting

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1 Year 2 Cursive handwriting

2 What is cursive? Joined letters Flows easier
All letters begin in the same place Cursive handwriting is when some characters join and writing tends to flow easier. There are different forms of cursive, we are using a type where all letters begin at the same point when writing.

3 Cursive in Year 2 Practising formation of each letter in daily handwriting lessons. Learning to join letters in cursive. Size of letters. Using cursive in all of our writing. In year one we have introduced children to cursive by looking at how the letters are formed. We are using handwriting lines so chn understand where the different letters sit. We are teaching letters in a particular order; the ones that are formed in a similar way are beign taught together such as C and A. Children have started to learn how ascending and descending letters sit on the line. We are preparing the children so that they will be ready to join in the near future.

4 In school Whole school focus for 4 weeks. Positive response.
Demonstrating pride in our work. Handwriting award. Chn have responded really positively to this new style of writing. They are showing they want to use their new handwriting across all subjects and not just within handwriting sessions. At the end of each week we have a celebration assembly where a child from each class is rewarded with a handwriting certificate and special pencil for their effort in cursive handwriting that week.

5 Questionnaires Please complete a questionnaire before you leave. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have throughout the session.

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