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Kindergarten Mrs. Stalsworth’s December Important Dates December:

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Mrs. Stalsworth’s December Important Dates December:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Mrs. Stalsworth’s December Important Dates December:
What we Are Learning Important Dates Phonemic Awareness: blending words. Phonics: Review: M, S, A, T, C, P Sight Words: Review all we have learned Writing: Letter formation, narrative, and informative writing. Math: Counting to 100, Numbers 0-10, Shapes, Patterns, Sorting. Science/ Social Studies: Push and Pull, Holidays around the world December: Santa Picture Day PTSO Snack Day Winter Break Party 12-24/1-4 Winter Break– No School A Friday at the end of the month- TBD Riverwood 7:40 (This is for one child a month for earing outstanding character traits.) **You will get a note if your child was selected. Contact Info: Remind app: Helpful Websites: Wish List Rice (20 pounds or more), shaving cream, food coloring, foam letters for sensory table Paper plates, pipe cleaners, marshmallows, tape--- for STEM DAY activities.

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