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There are millions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way

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1 There are millions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way
Stars and Planets There are millions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way Stars in the night sky are in fixed patterns called constellations Planets move slowly across the constellations; their position depends on where they, and the Earth, are in orbits round the Sun. Stars and Planets

2 Constellations Constellations

3 Constellations Constellations

4 Star birth Stars form when dust and gas from space are pulled together by gravitational attraction. Planets are formed from any remaining dust and gas. During the main sequence of a star the force of gravity pulling matter together is balanced by expansion forces caused by the high temperatures. Star birth

5 Star birth Star birth

6 Nuclear Fusion Inside a star, the nuclei of lighter elements are fused together to produce nuclei of heavier elements (e.g. hydrogen nuclei fuse to become helium nuclei). This is called nuclear fusion and it produces a large amount of energy which is radiated out into space Nuclear fusion

7 Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion

8 Star death After all the hydrogen has been converted to helium, the star expands to become a red giant. If the red giant is ‘small’, the star contracts to become a white dwarf If the red giant is ‘large’ the star contracts and then explodes (a supernova) throwing dust and gas into space. The matter left over can form a dense neutron star or a black hole Star death

9 Death of a small star Death of a small star

10 Death of a large star Death of a large star

11 Star death Star death

12 Star birth, life and death

13 Universe theories The Big Bang theory suggests that the Universe may have started billions of years ago from a single concentrated point of matter which then exploded. The Steady State theory states that the universe has always existed and always will. Universe theories

14 Big Bang theory Big bang theory

15 Evidence for the Big Bang includes;
Red Shift Evidence for the Big Bang includes; Light from other galaxies is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. Other galaxies are moving away from us very quickly The further away the galaxies, the bigger the ‘red-shift’. The further away the galaxy, the faster it is moving away from us. This evidence suggests that the Universe is expanding Red shift

16 Light spectra Light spectra

17 Red shift Red shift

18 Red shift Red shift

19 Extra-terrestrial life

20 Quiz Quiz

21 Wordsearch Wordsearch

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