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Research Methods Programme

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1 Research Methods Programme
Stage 3 CCS 07/08 Research Methods Programme This programme aims to prepare students for undertaking self-directed study in Contextual and Critical Studies, and will prepare students for the level of research and critical engagement expected of an Honour’s student.

2 Research Methods Programme
Stage 3 CCS 07/08 Research Methods Programme You will spend this semester defining and clarifying a possible research area for your Stage 4 CCS Critical Evaluation.

3 Research Methods Programme
Stage 3 CCS 07/08 Research Methods Programme This will will culminate in an essay of 2,500-3,000 words

4 Timetable Hand In Fri 11 April 1 28 Jan 2 4 Feb 3 11 Feb 4 18 Feb 5
6 3 Mar 7 10 Mar 8 17 Mar 9 24 Mar Easter Break 31 Mar 10 7 Apr Stage 3 129 students Brfng. Thurs 31 Jan 12-1 SB42 7 Feb LMS SA46 AP 434 AK SB30 14 Feb Thur 21 Feb 28 Feb 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 Mar 27 Mar Hand In Fri 11 April

5 Seminar Programme 4 Seminars (fortnightly)
Seminar Groups = approx. 12 students Groups are posted on CCS Noticeboard See Stage 3

6 Seminar Timetable Thursday mornings
Times/days will depend on your group (see CCS noticeboard) First Seminars: Week 2 or 3 depending on your group (this is week 1!) See CCS noticeboard for details

7 Seminar Themes Investigating critical themes from your subject specialism Identifying a personal research area Conducting a literature search Core questions; structuring your response to the essay brief

8 Mini-programme lectures
There is no dedicated lecture programme for Stage 3, but you are encouraged to attend Stage 2 Mini-programme lectures

9 Mini Programme 2 First Lecture: Week 3 Monday February 11 1-2pm SB42
Mini-programme 1: Alexandra Kokoli Rethinking the subject: creative practice and feminism Information on CCS noticeboard

10 Mini Programme 2 First Lecture: Week 6 Monday March 3 1-2pm SB42
Mini-programme 2: Andrea Peach A Sense of Place Information on CCS noticeboard

11 Tutorial Support Tutorials are available for additional ad hoc support if essential. Sign up for a tutorial on the sheet outside the CCS office GP20, Portakabin, Gray’s Tutors are also accessible by 3:500 Rule The Ad Hoc tutorial system must not replace normal attendance at scheduled sessions

12 Assessment Essay Submission Date: Friday April 11th

13 Staff Team Andrea Peach (26) 3679 Lesley Scott
(26) 3692 Alexandra Kokoli

14 Any Questions?

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