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Securitization of Climate Change in the Arctic The Case of Iceland

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1 Securitization of Climate Change in the Arctic The Case of Iceland
Auður H Ingólfsdóttir - Assistant Professor, Bifröst Univeristy (Iceland) - Joint Degree Ph.D. Student at University of Iceland and University of Lapland (Finland) Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

2 Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði
Key Questions Is climate change perceived as a security threat in Iceland? Is so, who is threatened and what are the threats? Has the securitization of climate change influenced Iceland´s foreign policy, and its domestic climate policy? Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

3 Climate change and international security
Is climate change a security issue? The securitization process (Copenhagen School) 2007: Turning point for securitization of climate change at the international level 2009 – Copenhagen summit (failure?) Impact of financial crisis? Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

4 Geopolitics in the Arctic
After the Cold War: Thaw in military tension and a spirit of cooperation Will climate change create new challenges with respect to security? ACIA: highlights challenges to both natural systems and human settlements Focus in media: Upcoming resource race and the danger of conflict Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

5 Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði
What is really going on? Russian official in a public meeting: The predominant feature of state of affairs in the Arctic is low tension, growing cooperation and mutual trust among the regional states, who will not allow to “rock the boat” or impose on themselves non-existent or artificially overblown problems. Nordic Council of Ministers (2010). Arctic – Changing Realities. Conference arranged by the Nordic Council of Ministers, 26 May Copenhagen, Denmark. ANP 2010: 758 Russian ambassador to NATO in secret caple released by Wikileaks: the 21st Century will see a fight for resources and Russia should not be defeated in this fight Jones, m. & Watts, S. (2011). “Wikileaks cables show race to carve up Arctic” May 12th BBC News Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

6 Iceland and security concerns
Nordic country and cooperation with NATO and the US on security issues Arctic identity building more recent Climate change is identified as a threat and a security issue in Iceland´s foreign policy documents What are those threats and which groups are threatened is not clear Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

7 Iceland and security concerns – cont.
Military tension due to a resource race not considered likely Dependence on natural resources (fisheries, hydropower etc.) that could be greatly impacted by climate change, but thorough analysis are missing Lack of research on socioeconomic impact of climate change Securitization seems to come from “above” (global discussion), rather than from the “bottom” (local concerns) Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

8 Human security at local level
Are Icelanders concerned? 40% are gravely concerned about climate change 36% feel that climate change is already impacting their local environment Climate change policy at national level more ambitious since 2007 Before 2007, key focus on more narrow economic interests The financial crisis have in some ways paved the way for implementation of climate policies Climate change policies at local level, if they exist, focus on mitigation but not on adaptation Difficult to separate climate change impacts from other factors, both environmental, political and cultural Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

9 Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði
Concluding thoughts The framing of climate change as a global issue has influenced policy discussion domestically, both at the national and local level Global responsibility to prevent catastropes in faraway places Resource race receiving much attention even if not very likely Lack of awareness of potential human security challenges at the local level, although those are very likely to happen Northern Research Forum - Hveragerði

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