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ICN Cartel Working Group SG 1 Call Series Linda Plumpton

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1 The Interplay Between Public and Private Anti-Cartel Enforcement in Canada
ICN Cartel Working Group SG 1 Call Series Linda Plumpton December 15, 2015

2 Overview Complementary enforcement tools available in the public and private sphere Public enforcement Through Canadian Competition Bureau, an independent law enforcement agency Objectives: prevention and deterrence of anti-competitive conduct Private Enforcement Typically through class actions brought on behalf of class of purchasers who have suffered loss or damage Objectives: restitution and behavior modification

3 Criminal Enforcement Regime
Cartel offences set out in Competition Act, Part VI Section 45 – Conspiracy per se since 2010 Imprisonment up to 14 years or fine up to $25 million or both Section 46 –Foreign-Directed Conspiracies No cap on fine Section 47 – Bid-Rigging Imprisonment up to 14 years or fine in discretion of court Both corporations and individuals may be charged No limitation period

4 Investigative Tools Available to Bureau
Search warrants Wiretaps Production Orders

5 Immunity and Leniency Programs
Immunity Program Available to corporations and individuals Process: Initial contact - marker requests (may be anonymous) Proffer Immunity agreement Full disclosure requirement Waiver requirement

6 Immunity and Leniency Programs…cont’d
Leniency program for subsequent applicants “first-in” leniency eligible for: 50% reduction immunity for officer, directors and employees second-in applicant eligible for 30% reduction similar process to immunity program must agree to plead guilty – negotiation with Public Prosecution Service of Canada immunity plus available

7 Confidentiality Issues
Proffer process is hypothetical and paper-free Both immunity and leniency programs require full disclosure by applicant of all non-privileged information, evidence and records in its possession Act protects against disclosure of information to third parties Court recently confirmed that prosecutors are likely required to disclose information gathered through immunity and leniency programs to accused

8 Private Enforcement: Class Actions
Class actions typically follow criminal guilty pleas Private right of action in section 36 of the Act May claim “an amount equal to the loss or damage proved to have been suffered” plus the full cost of any investigation and of the proceedings Two year limitation period from date of offence or last criminal proceedings No punitive damages but plaintiffs typically assert common law claims that permit punitive damage claims

9 Access by Civil Plaintiffs to Fruits of Criminal Investigation
Developing area of the law Supreme Court of Canada (2015): civil plaintiffs can access wiretap evidence gathered as part of criminal investigation Not clear whether civil plaintiffs can access non-wiretap evidence Potential threat to immunity and leniency programs Other threat – debarment from public procurement contracts


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