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Published byArchibald Malone Modified over 6 years ago
RMNCH Trust Fund DPG-H meeting 6 January 2016
Presentation Outline Background information Second phase
UNLSCo Key achievements Second phase Processes in development of RMNCH Trust Fund Programme RMNCH Trust Fund supported interventions Progress updates December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
The Commission’s recommendations support clear objectives for under-utilized life-saving commodities across the RMNCH Continuum of care Reproductive health Female Condoms Implants Emergency Contraception Maternal Health Oxytocin Misoprostol Magnesium sulfate Newborn Health Injectable antibiotics Antenatal Corticosteroid (ANCS) Chlorhexidine Resuscitation Equip. Child Health Amoxicillin Oral Rehydration Salts Zinc Country Plans to increase access to commodities and services and Accelerate achievement of MDGs 4 & 5 1. Shaping global market 2. Shaping delivery markets 3. Innovative Financing 4. Quality strengthening 5. Regulation efficiency 6. Supply and awareness 7. Demand and awareness 8. Reaching women and children 9. Performance and accountability 10. Product innovation
URT RMNCH Plan: Focus Areas
Reproductive health Female Condoms Implants Emergency Contraception Maternal Health Oxytocin Misoprostol Magnesium sulfate Newborn Health Injectable antibiotics Antenatal Corticosteroid (ANCS) Chlorhexidine Resuscitation Equip. Child Health Amoxicillin Oral Rehydration Salts Zinc Country Plans to increase access to commodities and services and Accelerate achievement of MDGs 4 & 5 5. Regulation efficiency 6. Supply and awareness 7. Demand and awareness 9. Performance and accountability
Key Achievements: UNLSCo
Registration of all UNLSC commodities with exception of the Chloehexidine which was not adopted by the country as the recommended treatment neonatal cord sepsis care. Increased awareness of UNLSC through sensitization of different stakeholders involved in supply chain including; manufacturers, supply agents, procurement agencies so that more dossier are being submitted for assessment and registrations
Key Achievements: UNLSCo
Reduced possibility of the stock outs by having the estimated quantity based on current consumption and service delivery data. ILS Gateway software expansion was successfully completed in June The system now has the capacity to report on a greater number of commodities, than the 20 that are currently being reported on. The eLMIS has now been rolled out nationally, across all districts. The system is being interfaced with the ILS Gateway to facilitate an easier user experience by ensuring all key data are available within the same website
Key Achievements: UNLSCo
Service providers are able to send and receive the mobile reminder /alert on the stock status and hence to take the appropriate action through ILS gateway. Training on the ILS among different stakeholders involved in the RMNCAH service provision from higher management level to service providers at the health facility. Reviewed of requisition and reporting form i.e. R&R form to incorporate all UNLSC has been done to enable ordering and reporting of the commodities
Key Achievements: UNLSCo
Reviewing and updating various RMNCH documents to incorporate newly introduced commodities and best practice in our national documents/guidelines to inform the service providers on the new recommendations: pSTG and Essential Medicine for the Paediatrics and Adolescents IMCI chart booklets FP procedure manual to accommodate newly introduced FP methods including Implanon NXT Revised EmONC guideline/Job aids Clinical mentorship guideline and Learning Resource Package to guide on integrated Clinical mentorship approach Production of ABCC prototype materials based on the KAP study to increase demand for LSC
Key Achievements: UNLSCo
Availability of the first National EmONC Needs Assessment Report has provided better information and baselines for the new RMNCAH intervention and other possible coming investment on the gaps. The report will be very useful for the health sector to ensure availability and access to improved quality of care.
SECOND PHASE December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
National progress towards MDGs 4 & 5
Mortality data through 2012 (Source:Countdown2015) The Tanzania Under—five child mortality rate and Maternal mortality ratio are declining, but are still high. Newer UN estimates show an Under-five mortality rate of 52 for 2013. (Note: Updated 2013 child mortality data from “The UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation, 2014”) 2013 child mortality data was released in late 2014: Under-five mortality rate (U5MR)= 52 deaths per 1000 live births Infant mortality rate (IMR) = 36 deaths per 1000 live births Neonatal mortality rate (NMR) = 21 deaths per 1000 live births December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
RMNCH Coverage Gaps (Source: MTR Roadmap)
Coverage indicators Good Progress Poor Progress Pre-pregnancy 1 ANC ITN TT2+ PMTCT CPR Adolescent BR During pregnancy 4 ANC During birth and postnatal SBA Facility Delivery EmONC capacity (Facility) PNC within 48 hours Initiation of BF Childhood EBF (6 Months) Paediatric ART December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
RMNCH Priorities in Sharpened One Plan
Family Planning Care at Birth, Post Partum and Postnatal Commodity security and accountability mechanisms on RMNCH Services Accountability and Transparency December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
BRN Healthcare The RMNCH work stream is the most expensive to deliver, comprising over half (58%) of the total budget for BRN HealthCare December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
RMNCH Country Engagement PROCESS
Tanzania RMNCH Country Engagement PROCESS December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
BRN Phase 2 Roll-out Plan: July 2015 – June 2018
Special Focused regions (RMNCH)* Mara Kilimanjaro Manyara Tanga Lindi Mtwara Ruvuma Iringa Morogoro Pwani Dodoma Singida Rukwa Mbeya Kigoma Tabora Shinyanga Kagera Mwanza Geita Simiyu Arusha Katavi Njombe Health Commodities, Health facilities Intervention programme+& Star rating assessment Note : (*) The 5 Special Focused regions overlaps (+) The intervention programme covers kigoma, katavi, tabora, singida, geita shinyanga, simiyu, Mwanza, Kagera, Mara, Pwani & Dar Es Salaam in Phase 2 Zanzibar Dar Es Salaam SOURCE : BRN Healthcare Lab (2014)
December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
24 month timeline of Cashboard
Tanzania RMNCH Country Engagement Timeline Consultation Process Literature review, Stakeholder Interviews Proposal Review 26 Jan 2015 29 Jan 2015 24 Feb 2015 9 Mar 2015 March 2015 June 2015-September 2016 Funds Disbursement and Implementation timeline 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stakeholder Meeting 1 Stakeholder Meeting 2 Head of Agencies Meeting Proposal Submitted
Gap Analysis of Sharpened One Plan (Consultations with Heads of Department, MOHSW ) Venue MOHSW/RCH, 28th January 2015 Working sessions with departmental heads at MOHSW wo tease out programmatic and financial gaps in Sharpened One Plan. December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Initial RMNCH Priority Funding Gap; US$36.6million (28th January 2015)
The initial prioritized RMNCH budget was US$ 36.6m
Stakeholder Workshop to Refine RMNCH Priorities Venue Best Western Peninsula Hotel 29th January 2015
Key stakeholders were MOH and implementing partners. Proposed RMNCH were re-prioritized. December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Stakeholder Workshop to Map Current RMNCH Implementation Partners in Tanzania Venue Best Western Peninsula Hotel 24th February 2015 Key stakeholders were MOH and implementing partners. Proposed RMNCH were re-prioritized. December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Tanzania’s Interventions Proposal to RMNCH Trust Fund
Priority RMNCH Intervention Examples of specific activities Health Service Delivery Capacity building for provision of EmONC services Procure and distribute 50 ambulances to strengthen referral system Train, Rehabilitate, and equip 8 CEmONC sites Support blood transfusion services, including establishment of blood satellite sites in Kagera & Shinyanga, and purchase of laboratory reagents for screening. Establish and equip adolescent youth friendly information, education and counseling corners in health facilities. Health Workforce Strengthen human resource capacity for provision of RMNCAH Services Print and disseminate guidelines and job aids (MPDSR, ANCs job aids) Train, supervise, and mentor health service providers at facility and at community level ( 9/12 Community Medical Attendants). December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Tanzania’s Proposal to RMNCH Trust Fund
Priority RMNCH Intervention Examples of specific activities Health Information Systems Strengthen capacity of HMIS to capture information on Maternal, Neonatal & Child health (MNCH) indicators, including Family Planning (FP) & nutrition. Customize integrated RMNCH supervision tool into electronic data base Customize MPDSR forms into DHIS2 electronic data base RMNCH/HMIS/ DHIS2 data quality auditing at national level and Lake and Western zones Essential Medicines and Health Products Ensure availability of essential equipment and commodities for MNCH including FP . Procure and distribute RMNCH Commodities Procure equipment for EmONC, KMC Care, and Newborn care Leadership and governance Support for coordination of implementation of this proposal Procure coordination and monitoring vehicles for zonal & 2 regional offices (Geita and Simiyu) Support coordination services at MOHSW and RCH sector December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
RMNCH proposal activities, selected examples
Priority area RMNCH proposal activities, selected examples Synergy with BRN HealthCare, selected examples Family Planning Training and supervision of CHWs (for integrated RMNCH services) Initiative 17: Community Health Workers for MNCH Maternal Health Upgrade of CEmONC sites; Procurement of ambulances Initiative 7: Implement Star-rating System Initiative 19: CEmONC Services Expansion Initiative 20: BEmONC Services Expansion Newborn Health Training on KMC, NR, ENC Cross-cutting Establishment of regional satellite blood banks; M&E/HMIS activities; Essential medicines and equipment; Program Management Initiative 11: Improve governance and accountability Initiative 21: Regional Satellite blood bank facilities December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Intervention Description..1
1.1.1 Establish and equip AYF – RH/FP information, education and counseling corners in health facilities 1.1.2 Repackage, print and disseminate RH/FP YFS National Training Package 1.2.3 Facilitate formation of community based RH/FP outlets for information , education and counseling to mobilize youth for YF RH/FP services (through youth peer educators, lay-counselors, religious leaders folk-media, VEO + WEO) in Lake and Western Region 1.2.1 Train CHWs/Community Medical Attendants (9 month training) 1.2.2 Train CHWs/ CMA on integrated community based MNCH services (3 weeks) 1.2.4 Conduct supervision to CHWs and the outreach teams at worksites (8 regions in Lake and Western) December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Interventions Description..2
2.1.2 Antenatal corticosteroid job aids for facilities / providers (including wall charts) printed 2.1.3 Finalize guidelines for Maternal Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response 2.2.1 Upgrade CEmONC sites to fully functional CEmONC status Establish clinical mentorship program for staff at upgraded CEmONC facilities 2.3.1 Procurement of ambulances 2.3.2 Maintenance of ambulances 3.1.1 Conduct Kangaroo Mother Care training in all district hospitals in Lake and Western Zone 3.1.2 Neonatal resuscitation training 3.1.3 Essential Newborn Care training December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Interventions Description..3
4.1.1 Orient facility in-charges on pediatric Standard Treatment Guidelines. Orientation of officers in charge of facilities (Lake and Western zones) Procure EmONC equipment Establish blood collection satellites in Kagera and Shinyanga Provide supportive supervision to zonal offices (Lake and Western) Coordination and oversight of cross cutting RCH functions. Salaries, Benefits and capacity building including short courses (Coordinator and Driver ) Coordination and oversight of cross cutting RCH functions. Overhead (fuel, communication, transport, and allowances) Coordination and oversight costs for UN managing agent December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Interventions Description..4
Procure RMNCH Commodities (to meet national need) Kangaroo Mother Care equipment procurement Neonatal rescusitation equipment procurement Procure equipment for newborn care at referral hospitals Print adequate RHCS client cards number 5 December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Interventions Description..5
Purchase four vehicles for MOHSW Zonal offices for coordination activities ( Lake and Western), and two coordination vehicles for Geita and Simiyu Customization of the intergrated RMNCH supervision tool into electronic data base Customization of MPDSR forms into DHIS2 electronic data base RMNCH/HMIS/ DHIS2 data quality auditing at national level and Lake and Western zones Procure laboratory reagents (blood transfusion) (to meet 1% of quantification of national need) December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Zanzibar Interventions Description..1
FP & ASRH Capacity building Cross-Cutting (HSS) - HMIS, Storage and distribution costs for medical supplies and equipment, Procure office equipment and capacity building. Maternal Health - Procure equipment & vehicles and capacity building) December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
Asanteni December 2, 2018 Tanzania RMNCH
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