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Projection of guilt by association.

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1 Projection of guilt by association.
Deposition Outcome Legal Issues Involved Parallel with McCarthyism Proctor presents a testament declaring the people’s good opinion of Rebecca, Martha, and Elizabeth. All 91 people who signed the deposition were to be arrested for questioning. Projection of guilt by association. Those affiliated with various organizations and people were targeted for questioning. Giles Corey presents a deposition stating that Thomas Putnam prompts his daughter to cry out against George Jacobs Giles is arrested for contempt because he will not reveal the name of his informant. The pressuring of a witness to reveal the identity of his source in order to save himself. McCarthy committee demanded that witnesses provide names of people who were involved in communist activities. Miller was arrested and held in contempt of Congress. Having been denied a lawyer, Proctor presents Mary’s deposition in which she claims none of the girls saw spirits- they lied. Abby turns on Mary. Proctor confesses. Elizabeth lies. Abby regains control. Mary turns on Proctor when threatened. Danforth’s refusal to allow Proctor an attorney. Acceptance of spectral evidence. People were questioned in a hostile intimidating way. McCarthy’s list.

2 Projection of guilt by association.
Deposition Outcome Legal Issues Involved Parallel with McCarthyism Proctor presents a testament declaring the people’s good opinion of Rebecca, Martha, and Elizabeth. Projection of guilt by association. Giles is arrested for contempt because he will not reveal the name of his informant. The pressuring of a witness to reveal the identity of his source in order to save himself. McCarthy committee demanded that witnesses provide names of people who were involved in communist activities. Miller was arrested and held in contempt of Congress. Having been denied a lawyer, Proctor presents Mary’s deposition in which she claims none of the girls saw spirits- they lied. Abby turns on Mary. Proctor confesses. Elizabeth lies. Abby regains control. Mary turns on Proctor when threatened. People were questioned in a hostile intimidating way. McCarthy’s list.

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