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Overview of practices regarding Continuing education in KZ and RU universities Sayzana Tovuu, TuvSU October 21, 2014 Montpellier, France.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of practices regarding Continuing education in KZ and RU universities Sayzana Tovuu, TuvSU October 21, 2014 Montpellier, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of practices regarding Continuing education in KZ and RU universities
Sayzana Tovuu, TuvSU October 21, 2014 Montpellier, France

2 What is continuing education
Continuing education in RU and KZ Universities

3 What is continuing education?
In Russian and Kazakh universities continuing education is educational curricula of training and retraining of staff in continuing education Almost universities have Institute of training and professional education

4 Types of continuing education in:
Duration: Short-term courses (24-36 hours courses) Middle -term courses ( hours) Long-term duration courses (from 250 hours – 2 years) modules

5 Production of traditional food (8 ) Marketing of traditional food (2)
Courses of professional training in Russian project partners Universities Food safety (3) Production of traditional food (8 ) Marketing of traditional food (2) veterinary and sanitary examination (72 hours) BSAA Food Biotechnology (72 hours) KSAU Marketing (568 hours) BSAA Food Safety (72 hours) KSAU Functional foods of animal origin (72 hours) KSAU Quality management system for food processing enterprises (72 hours) KSAU Veterinary Public Health Biotechnology functional feed additives (72 hours) KSAU Innovative technology for the processing of vegetable raw materials (72 hours) KSAU Biotechnology (72 hours) KalmSU Technology and processing of agricultural products (more then 250 hours) TuvSU Manufacturer of dairy products (108 hours) TuvSU Manufacturer of meat and fish poducts

6 Production of traditional food Marketing of traditional food
Courses of professional training in Kazakh project partners Universities Food safety 4 Production of traditional food 3 Marketing of traditional food 1 veterinary and sanitary examination of animal products (72 hours) KATU Modeling of technologic processing (36 hours) KATU Economy and management of food products enterprises(36 hours) KATU Food Safety and quality if animal products (36 hours) KATU Modern technology lines of food productions (36 hours) KATU Veterinary and sanitary expertise (36 hours) KATU Technology of production meat and milk traditional products (36 hours) KATU Modern methods prophylactics activities (72 hours) KATU

7 In conclusion Continuing education in RU and KZ universities:
Most of the courses in KZ universities are short-term courses, in RU are middle and long-term courses 2 KZ universities do not organize professional courses due to the Law of system of supplying for public organisations

8 In conclusion Continuing education in RU and KZ universities:
4. In RU and KZ universities are developed courses of food safety and food production then marketing courses. 5. Courses of RU universities (BSAA, KASU) are more oriented for professionals then KZ universities.

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