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Questions Regarding the Resurrection

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1 Questions Regarding the Resurrection
1Corinthians 15:35- 49

2 Introduction The Resurrection is an essential element of the Gospel
Christ is the firstfruits of the resurrection There are severe consequences to denying the resurrection

3 Questions How are the dead raised? With what body do they come?

4 What the Creation Teaches about the Resurrection
The same, but different - vs A body suitable - vs The Genesis allusion

5 Application to the Resurrection
“it is sown” - the body that has died “it is raised” - that which is sown is raised Just as the corn kernel is sown and corn stalk is raised, so my body is buried in one state and raised in another

6 Application to the Resurrection
SOWN RAISED perishable imperishable dishonor glory weakness power natural spiritual

7 “Earthy” to “Heavenly”
Vs offers commentary on vs and context for vs. 50 Adam is portrayed as a body animated by a soul Christ as a spirit which gives life

8 “Earthy” to “Heavenly”
vs suitability is again under discussion Adam was “earthy” i.e. formed in a manner suitable for life in this realm Christ is “heavenly” i.e. from heaven thus in the resurrection we are formed in a way suitable for existence in heaven

9 Conclusion God’s creation has been made suitable for God’s purpose
God created man to have fellowship with him, but with a provision for failure In the resurrection that perfect fellowship is restored with none of the weakness that led to our separation.

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