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Causes of the Revolutionary war

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1 Causes of the Revolutionary war
By: Celeste Richardson

2 The French and Indian WAR
The French and Indian War had cost the British a lot of money . to make up for it king George the iii

3 The Proclamation of 1763 British Parliament passed a law called The Proclamation of 1763. the law told them that they were no allowed to pass the Appalachian mountains . The colonist did not like this law .

4 The Quartering Act The Quartering Act of 1765 was caused by the need of the British government to save money. This act decreed that American colonists needed to house or quarter British soldiers. The Stamp Act required colonists to buy and place stamps on many paper goods such as newspapers, diplomas, contracts, prayer books, marriage licenses, and other legal documents.

5 The Stamp Act

6 The Boston Massacre

7 The Boston Tea Party

8 The Intolerable Acts


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