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Virtual Symphony Orchestra

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1 Virtual Symphony Orchestra
Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

2 VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem
Agenda VideoController Interface Synchronization Multithreaded video decompression Bluescreening: background color elimination Multi Monitor Support VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

3 VideoController Interface
glContext : NSOpenGLContext camera : Camera - rootObject : Object3D + setOpenGLContext(ctx : NSOpenGLContext) + setRootObject(obj : Object3D) + setCamera() + updateForTimeStamp(ts : CVTimeStamp) : CVReturn + setMovieRate(rate : int) + setMovieTime(time : TimeRecord) + render() + startVideo() + stopVideo() VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

4 Initializing the VideoController
The VideoController has to be provided with a OpenGL context and the root object of the orchestra using the setOpenGLContext() and setRootObject() methods Nodes in the orchestra tree must implement the Object3D protocol VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

5 VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem
Object3D protocol The VideoData class is provided by the video framework and contains necessary data for rendering. If no videoData is available the object will not be rendered. Object3D + children() : NSMutableArray + hasChildren() : bool + visible() : bool + position() : Vector3f + rotation() : Vector3f + videoData() : VideoData + height() : float VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

6 Synchronization / Timestretching
The QuickTime API is used to control the movies setMovieRate() controls the playback speed of the movies To avoid running out of sync setMovieTime() can be called in short time intervals VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

7 Multithreaded video decompression
VideoController - glContext : NSOpenGLContext - rootObject : Object3D + setOpenGLContext() + setRootObject() + updateForTimeStamp() + setMovieRate() + setMovieTime() + render() + startVideo() + stopVideo() VideoDecoder + startThread() 1 n VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

8 Background color elimination
The background elimination of the videos is done using shader programs Reduces CPU load because these can be processed on the GPU kernel vec4 greenScreenEffect(sampler image, float lower, float upper) { vec4 col; col = unpremultiply(sample(image, samplerCoord(image))); float delta = col.g-col.r + col.g-col.b; col.a = smoothstep(lower, upper, delta); return premultiply(col); } VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

9 VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem
Multi Monitor Support Multiple display devices can be used by creating multiple VideoController instances and selecting the appropriate display device The camera object of each controller has to be set in a way that each device shows another display window Camera + position() : Vector3f + rotation() : Vector3f + viewAngle() : float + cameraData() : CameraData VSO Object Design Review: Video Subsystem

10 Thanks for your attention

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