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Welcome to curriculum night 2018

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1 Welcome to curriculum night 2018
Ms. Sara Pustz 7th Grade Reading & Language Arts

2 Welcome to curriculum night 2018
Ms. Sara Pustz & Mrs. Kelly Dinolfo 7th Grade Reading & Language Arts

3 Goals & objectives To develop a positive rapport with your child
To support your child in strengthening their academic and emotional intelligence To instill a love for reading and establish an independent reading life To make writing a pleasant experience To strengthen writing skills To teach grammar that matters To teach, apply and understand vocabulary and word origins To effectively communicate via speaking, listening, and writing To assess mastery in Standards-Based Learning for all 5 sets of ELA standards

4 Flexible seating Supports students’ individual learning styles and empowers them to make choices that promote engagement in their learning. Student choice enhances opportunities to learn, and flexible seating is one way to provide students daily choice in their learning environment. Collaborative, 21st century learning which prepares students for an adaptive society. Treated as a privilege, and the teacher reserves the right to assign seats if students do not make choices to support the class’s learning environment. Daily, students are expected to choose the seat upon entering the room where they can do their best work, share with classmates, and treat all supplies with respect and as a privilege.

5 Academic Support Outside-of-class Academic Support
Intermurals Study Hall: offered 5 days a week, must be signed up by a teacher to attend. Academic Behavior Study Hall (ABS): offered 5 days a week, independent study or reassessment. Must be signed up by a teacher to attend. 1-on-1 tutoring with teacher by appointment: after school, before school, or at lunch

6 Academic Support Teacher Page: Find an overview view of daily in-class activities and homework. Updated 1st day of week with tentative plans. via Office 365 Classroom Notebook & Teams Will be introduced to students after NWEA testing

7 curriculum Reading Informational Text– nonfiction
Standards Based Instruction for all 5 sets of ELA Illinois Learning Standards Reading Informational Text– nonfiction Reading Literature- fiction, dramas, poetry Writing – Variety of genres: Informational, argumentative, narrative, & poetry. Variety of forms: formal, informal, APA & MLA format including internal citations and bibliography Speaking / Listening - Learn & apply appropriate strategies Language- Application of grammatical skills in writing Additional standards: Socio-emotional, Technology, Civics

8 reading Whole class novel studies:
Book purchase forms sent home 2 weeks prior to start of unit– students will annotate book 2nd quarter: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton 4th quarter: Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson

9 reading Independent Reading:
Minimum of 1 INDEPENDENT BOOK each quarter Reader’s workshop, conferencing & Thought Logs (vocabulary, analysis, comprehension) Weekly Reading Logs--Students are expected to develop an at-home reading routine (20 min per day/100 min per week) Students complete 1 independent reading project per quarter Rubric and examples provided to students during class.

10 reading Book Clubs: Students will participate in a “Civics Book Club” during 3rd quarter This will explore topics of social justice, human rights, socio-emotional, and civics learning standards. Supported with in-class non-fiction reading and analysis of the topic. Students will be required to annotate book using post-its or book notes. A final culminating project will end the unit.

11 Technology integration
Office 365 platform district-wide implementation Students need outside-of-school access to: the Internet & a printer. Technology Integration spiraling throughout each quarter, addressing all sets of Illinois Learning Standards Online Textbook: Collections (access ) Vocabulary Workshop & Stems: Students will create a Quizlet account to help them study for Vocabulary tests (webpage & app access)—Note: These books are not available online.

12 Policies/ procedures Absences– Call school that day by 11 am to pick up absent work Classroom library open to all students School library open to our class bi-weekly for 20 minutes Students can visit library during Advisory or Intermurals as well Missing Assignments, Tardies, & Responsibility 1st offense: Student conference with teacher 2nd offence: Student conference with teacher & parent contact 3rd offence: Student conference with teacher, parent contact, & office referral

13 Power School Please monitor PowerSchool often & give your student access. View icons and comment features for assignment scores for individualized feedback and assignment details for information. Be sure to click the blue speech bubble icon next to assignment scores to view this feedback regarding reassessments, mastery, and academic behaviors. Teacher only be communicating this information via PowerSchool.

14 New reporting system A (90-100%): Student achievement is outstanding and demonstrates continuous excellence B (80-89%): Student achievement is above average C (70-79%): Student achievement meets expectations D (60-69%): Student achievement does not meet expectations; student needs reinforcement F (50-59%): Student achievement represents failure of student to meet minimal academic expectations

15 Reassessment procedures
The student is responsible for reassessments and following the correct procedures. A reassessment station is in the classroom including the reassessment tickets and steps to follow. Academic Behavior Study Hall and Intermurals Study Hall are offered daily, but the student must advocate (ask teacher) in order to be signed up to attend. Most recent score reported.

16 Formative reassessment
At teacher discretion and will be communicated to students in class. Student must complete a formative reassessment ticket (at station), turn it in with revised work indicated, and attach to original assignment. 1 attempt per assessment/ Most recent score reported.

17 Summative reassessment
Student is responsible for following procedures and staying organized. Students must ask to be put on the ABS list– first come, first serve. Mandatory for D’s & F’s– Student is responsible for attending ABS on date signed up for on classroom calendar. Minimum of 1 for A’s, B’s, & C’s, at teacher discretion. Student must complete summative reassessment ticket (signed by parent) All assignments for unit of study must be turned in by reassessment. Additional studying must take place & be documented on reassessment ticket. No more than 1 attempt per assessment/The most recent score is reported.

18 Questions / concerns Together, we can make a difference!
Thank you for coming! I’m looking forward to a great year! Please contact me should you ever have any questions or concerns.

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