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FIGURE 2.1. The world-at-night image is an abstract cartographic representation. At any one time it is physically impossible to see the entire world at.

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Presentation on theme: "FIGURE 2.1. The world-at-night image is an abstract cartographic representation. At any one time it is physically impossible to see the entire world at."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIGURE 2.1. The world-at-night image is an abstract cartographic representation. At any one time it is physically impossible to see the entire world at night. Second, the location of many lighted areas is interpolated. This unusual combination but implicit use of cartographic conventions makes for an intriguing map. From From A Primer of GIS, 2nd edition, by Francis Harvey. Copyright by The Guilford Press.

2 FIGURE 2.2. Measurement types with map examples used in geographic representation.
From A Primer of GIS, 2nd edition, by Francis Harvey. Copyright by The Guilford Press.

3 FIGURE 2.3. Stream gauge showing fixed location, measured attributes (strip chart), and controlled time (minutes/hours) following Sinton’s framework. From A Primer of GIS, 2nd edition, by Francis Harvey. Copyright by The Guilford Press.

4 FIGURE 2.4. Raster and vector geographic representations and Sinton’s framework.
From A Primer of GIS, 2nd edition, by Francis Harvey. Copyright by The Guilford Press.

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