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Stem List #5.

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Presentation on theme: "Stem List #5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stem List #5

2 VITA Meaning: Life Example Word:
Vitamin- organic substances essential in life

3 DEMO Meaning: People Example Word: Democracy- Government by the people

4 COGN Meaning: Know Example Word:
Recognize- To know or identify from past experience

5 SUR Meaning: Over Example Word:
Surface- The outer or the topmost layer of an object

6 ALTER Meaning: Other Example Word: Altering- To change or make

7 ASTR Meaning: Star Example Word: Astronomy- The study of outer space

8 DYNA Meaning: Power Example Word:
Dynasty- A family or group that maintains power for several generations.

9 HYPER Meaning: Over Example Word:
Hyper-extended Knee -an injury in which the knee is forced beyond its normal fully straightened position

10 LUNA Meaning: Moon Example Word:
Lunar-   Of, involving, caused by, or affecting the moon

11 OCTA Meaning: Eight Example Word:
Octopus- marine animal with eight tentacles

12 GYRO Meaning: Turn Example Word:
Gyroscope- a device with a spinning disk

13 CONTRA Meaning: Against Example Word: Contrast- To show
differences when compared

14 GEO Meaning: Earth Example Word:
Geography- The study of the earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth

15 HELIO Meaning: Example Word: Sun
Heliotropism- growth of a plant towards or away from the sun

16 THERMO Meaning: Example Word: Heat
Thermos- a bottle used to keep beverages hot or cold

17 TETRA Meaning: Four Example Word: Tetrahedron- A four-sided polygon

18 METER Meaning: Example Word: Measure
Thermometer- An instrument for measuring temperature

19 SCOPE Meaning: Look Example Word:
Telescope- instrument used to look at objects at a distance

20 SON Meaning: Sound Example Word: Song- characteristic sound

21 DEC Meaning: Ten Example Word: Decade- ten years 1990s 1950s 1970s

22 STEREO Meaning: Solid Example Word:
Stereotype-conception, opinion, or image; one that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type

23 ISM Meaning: Doctrine (A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief) Example Word: Tribalism- The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one's tribe or group

24 STELL Meaning: Star Example Word: Stelliform-     Shaped like a star.

25 CHRON Meaning: Time Example Word:
Chronological- Arranged in order of time of occurrence.

26 AMAT Meaning: Love Example Word: Amorous- Being in love

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