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At Faculty of Social Sciences – Lecture Room 2

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1 At Faculty of Social Sciences – Lecture Room 2
The Department of SOCIAL WORK and SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION in collaboration with the Center for Social Science Research on AIDS is sponsoring a PUBLIC LECTURE: “NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION” Presented by: Drs. Stig Grundvall and Ylva Donning Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg - Sweden Center for Social Science Research on AIDS (HD ) This NIH sponsored project (HD ) is a collaboration between Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and the following institutions in Uganda: Makerere University in Kampala, the Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC) in Kampala, and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Mbarara, Uganda. Global Partnerships for Social Science AIDS Research (R24): an NIH RFA for collaborative applications between U.S. (or other developed country) institutions and institutions in countries hard hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. To enhance capabilities for rigorous behavioral and social science research in relation to HIV/AIDS within these countries through: 1. Strengthening the research infrastructure of local institutions; 2. Conducting relevant and innovative research Thursday, 26th April 2012 1.00pm – 2.00pm At Faculty of Social Sciences – Lecture Room 2 For questions call: Dr. David Kyadondo or Judith–

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