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How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess

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2 How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess
The character of the Grinch is based on the protagonist of “A Christmas Carol” – Scrooge. Do you see the similarities in the two main characters and the plot of both the book and the play?

3 Ebenezer Scrooge The Grinch Bah, humbug!

4 What adjectives can you think of to describe the characters
of Scrooge, and the Grinch?

5 How are Scrooge and the Grinch
different? Bah, humbug! Whatever Scrooge. Use the Venn Diagram

6 What do Scrooge and the Grinch
have in common? Use the Venn Diagram

7 What are the main events in the two stories? Complete a plot diagram
You going to carve the roast beast or what? Complete a plot diagram

8 How does the character of the Grinch change?
In the story… How does the character of the Grinch change? How does the character of the Grinch stay the same? Use the Venn Diagram

9 Ebenezer Scrooge Describe the character of…

10 The Grinch Feelings Description Behavior Personality Traits

11 The Grinch Describe the character of…


13 The Grinch’s Character
Beginning of the story Conclusion of the story Throughout the story

14 Scrooge’s Character Beginning of the story Conclusion of the story Throughout the story

15 A Christmas Carol Climax _____________________________________ Event ___________________________ Event ________________________________ Resolution ______________________________________________________ Event _________________________________ Event ___________________________________ Event _____________________________ Event ________________________________ Basic situation (main characters) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16 Arrange the following in order onto the Plot Diagram.
Scrooge wakes up on Christmas Day morning. Bob Cratchit asks for the day off. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge his own gravestone. Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, and Tiny Tim. The Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge his childhood. Scrooge celebrates Christmas with Bob Cratchit and his family. Fred asks Scrooge to celebrate Christmas with him.

17 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Climax ___________________ Event _______________ Resolution _______________ Event _______________ Event ______________ Event ____________________ Event ________________ Basic situation (main characters) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18 Ebenezer Scrooge Stave One Feelings Description Behavior
Personality Traits

19 Ebenezer Scrooge Stave Two Feelings Description Behavior
Personality Traits

20 Ebenezer Scrooge Stave Three Feelings Description Behavior
Personality Traits

21 R.I.P. Ebenezer Scrooge Scrooge Stave Four Feelings Description
Behavior Personality Traits

22 Ebenezer Scrooge Stave Five Feelings Description Behavior
Personality Traits

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