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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG8 PAC Link Layer Specification Date Submitted: 7 July, 2013 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, Jong-Arm Jun, In-Hwan Lee, Cheol-Sig Pyo Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: , FAX: , Re: Abstract: As a final proposal for the IEEE TG8 standards, the reference model of the PAC enabled networks and the PAC link layer specification are proposed. Purpose: Response to the IEEE TG8 call for proposal Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 TG8 PAC Link Layer Specification
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> TG8 PAC Link Layer Specification Seong-Soon Joo*, Jong-Arm Jun, In-Hwan Lee, Cheol-Sig Pyo ETRI <author>, <company>

3 Definitions PAC enabled X-network: A X-network of the devices which is equipped with the PAC device PAC WPAN: The network in which a device can act as a client or server for the other device by allowing shared access various resources such as configuration or control information, location information, sensing data, advertisement, multi-media contents, social contents, etc. peer network host: A PAC device which defines a mission, configures the peer group, hosts peers, and authenticates peers

4 Abbreviations and Acronyms
PB peer network beacon

5 Concepts and Architecture (I)
peer-to-peer wireless personal area network The network in which a device can act as a client or server for the other device by allowing shared access various resources such as configuration or control information, location information, sensing data, advertisement, multi-media contents, social contents, etc. n-m group casting PAC WPAN 1 HPD PD PAC WPAN 2 HPD PD

6 Concepts and Architecture (II)
networks with the PAC enabled devices networks of the PAC enabled devices only PAC WPAN networks of the devices equipped with the PAC PAC enabled X-network (e.g. LTE, Ethernet, WiFi, … ) hybrid networks of the PAC WPAN and the PAC enabled X-networks hybrid PAC network PAC enabled device X-network device PAC WPAN PAC enabled X-network Hybrid PAC Network

7 Concepts and Architecture (III)
possible network configurations with the PAC enabled networks one PAC WPAN multiple PAC WPAN one PAC WPAN & one X-network one PAC WPAN & multiple X-network multiple PAC WPAN & one X-network multiple PAC WPAN & multiple X-network X-network 1 X-network 1 X-network 1 X-network 2 PAC WPAN 1 PAC WPAN 1 PAC WPAN 2 PAC WPAN 1 PAC WPAN 1 PAC WPAN 1 PAC WPAN 2

8 proxy host of P2P network
Topology peer network host (proxy host) define a mission, configure the peer group, host peers, authenticate peers, get a service peer network guest authenticate the host, serve to the peer group peer network relay relay the frame from the host or the frame from the guest observer of the peer network not a member of peer group, listen the peer network wireless device6 wireless device1 wireless device5 wireless device4 wireless device2 wireless device3 host of P2P network space A proxy host of P2P network guest of P2P network relay of P2P network observer of P2P network space A P2P network 1 wireless device1 P2P network 3 thing 1 wireless device6 wireless device2 thing 6 thing 2 wireless device5 wireless device3 thing 5 thing 3 wireless device4 P2P network 2 thing 4

9 Reference Model components of PAC entity SAP 3 link sub-layer entities
1 management entity SAP 2 SAPs for PAC device 2 SAPs for PAC enabled X-network device Link Application PHY Network IEEE Medium Access Control sublayer Application IEEE Link Control sublayer IEEE PHY PHY-SAP LINK-SAP EL-SAP PD Management Entity IEEE Link Network sublayer IEEE Link layer EP-SAP PAC enabled X-network device PAC device

10 MPDU Structure (I) link frame type link frame header
pre-network formation, after-network formation control frame, data frame link frame header frame control : version, type, length peer network identifier : service type, network profile address peer network authenticator link frame information type, length, value peer network information element : for synchronization, network formation discovery time slot length, hosting length, P2P length, handshaking length, start time link frame payload link frame tail frame check sequence Octets: 2 2 0/1/8 variable Frame Control Peer Network Identifier Destination Address Source Address Peer Network Authenticator Peer Network Information Element Frame Payload Frame Check Sequence Peer Network Addressing fields Link Frame Header Link Frame Infromaiton Link Frame Payload Link Frame Tail

11 MPDU Structure (II) frame control peer network identifier
frame version (3 bits) : frame type (3 bits) : peer-discover, peer-network management, peer-network data frame length (10 bits) : up to 1024 control frame, data frame peer network identifier peer network profile identifier (12bits): peer network profile peer network number (6bits): identical number among peer networks of same service profile peer device address two types of address : 64 bit address, 8 bit address assigned in a peer network peer network authenticator PD’s 64bit address with pre-define key

12 MPDU Structure (III) peer network information element
pre-network management information peer discovery hosting phase configuration length of hosting phase  number of time-slot (1byte) sequence of resource allocation  {p, h, g, r, gr} (1 byte) length of pause, length of host, length of guest, length of relay, length of group  number of time-slot (4bits each) P2P phase configuration handshaking phase configuration peer link connection after-network management information peer beacon peer groupcast peer relaying peer link release

13 Multiple Access (I) link resources resolve contention
dependent on the PHY how many links physically separated and working concurrently dedicated PHY link for common mode RF transmitters, spatial transmitters link resource to be arbitrated radio channel, spatial channel (3D direction based) allocate resource in time domain resolve contention contention among PDs of single PAC enabled network  scheduling contention among PDs of multiple PAC enabled networks  interference avoidance data channel control channel single PHY single PACN multiple PHY multiple PACN

14 Multiple Access (II) resource allocation resource allocation scale
in time domain need a scale for the whole components of the PACN resource scheduling synchronized scheduling in a PAC enabled network contention avoidance advertise the resource allocation schedule to the neighbor PACNs resource allocation scale unit of resource  length of time for transmitting the shortest frame (10 bytes link frame) length of time-slot  n x resource unit resource unit scale of resource time slot PD 1 of PACN1 PD 2 of PACN1 time slot PD 1 of PACN2

15 Multiple Access (III) configurable steps for supporting the life cycle of the P2P network configurable resource allocation for the each phase hosting phase P2P phase (a) EOP (b) handshaking phase (c) (d) host guest pause (a) (b) group/guest (c) relay hosting phase P2P phase group host/group handshaking phase

16 Synchronization Procedure
synchronize clock compensation compensate the oscillator drift align the time-slot in a network set start time of the P2P phase procedure transmit peer discovery frame every time-slot for minimum sync. adjust interval adjust the time-slot triggering point after starting P2P phase, transmit peer beacon periodically minimum sync adjust interval PD 1 of PACN1 PD PD PD PD PD PB PB PD 2 of PACN1 minimum sync adjust interval PD 1 of PACN2 PD PD PD PD PB PB PD 2 of PACN2

17 Discovery Procedure peer discovery frame peer discovery procedure
peer network information peer network service profile peer network identifier : service category + seq. number peer network formation time slot length network span configuration : hosting phase, P2P phase, handshaking phase discovering interval peer network synchronization PD wake-up interval peer discovery procedure send peer discovery frame every Td peer network service capable PDs respond (address, capability) and synchronize host notify the network starting time to each PD

18 Scheduling scheduling select the way of using the resource
P2P connection or handshaking configuration of the peer network phase configuring the resource allocation sequence of the pause, host, guest, group, relay length of the pause, host, guest, relay hosting phase hosting phase P2P phase P2P phase hosting phase hosting phase pause host guest relay pause host guest relay P2P phase host group guest pause relay

19 Interference Avoidance
during peer network formation listen neighbor peer network adjust P2P phase configuration for achieving low probability of interfering a PD served multiple peer network select the time-slot to avoid contention hosting phase P2P phase PD 1 of PACN1 PD PD PD PB PB PB hosting phase P2P phase PD 1 of PACN2 PD PD PB PD PB PB PD 2 of PACN1 PI PD 2 of PACN2 PI

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