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Animal Health Task Force

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1 Animal Health Task Force
PROCINORTE Animal Health Task Force Report of Activities October 2016 – October 2017 Cyril Gay Jose Lopez Elizabeth Loza-Rubio Cooperative Program in Agricultural Research and Technology for the Northern Region Programa Cooperativo en Investigación y Tecnología Agrícola para la Región Norte

2 Presentation Outline Animal Health Task Force Activities 2016-2017
Accomplishments 2017 Plans and expected outcomes for 2018 Conclusion

3 Animal Health Task Force
Jose Lopez (Canada) Elizabeth Loza-Rubio (Mexico) Cyril G. Gay (United States of America) Mission To develop and promote research and knowledge in prioritized areas of animal health of common interest for North America

4 Activities (October 2016 – October 2017)
PROCINORTE Animal Health Task Force (PAHTF) implemented two research collaborations: Use of IFN-expressing vectors in control of Nipah and Ebola viruses in swine Collaborative Research on Vesicular Stomatitis Diagnosis and Epidemiology September 26-28, 2017, Vector-Borne Animal Diseases Workshop, Mexico City, Mexico Two new research projects established and funded Invited CaribVet to support PAHTF activities

5 Accomplishments 2017 Share information on priority high consequence animal diseases Updates on situation in Canada, Mexico, and U.S New tools and countermeasures Gaps in scientific knowledge and control measures Report in progress Identified and funded two high consequence animal disease collaborative research project in 2017 North American Assessment of Bluetongue and Culicoides Vectors (Mexico, Canada, and U.S) – CFIA ($32.5K for two years) Development of strategies to control tick-borne babesial pathogens of livestock (Mexico, Canada, and U.S) – INIFAP ($20K), CFIA ($12K), and ARS ($50K) for one year Obtained participation of CaribVet (34 countries and territories in Caribbean that are part of North America) and explored common interest in research priorities and potential research collaborations

6 Presentation Outline Animal Health Task Force Accomplishments 2016
Plans and expected outcomes for 2018 Conclusion

7 Plans and Expected Outcomes 2018
Report from animal vector-borne diseases workshop Implement new PROCINORTE collaborative research projects Training of two INIFAP scientists in Canada on diagnostics (CFIA Lethbridge Lab) and U.S on bioinformatics (National Animal Disease Center) - funded with 2017 funds. Annual Scientific Workshop: Emerging diseases that pose a threat to swine production in North America, September 2018 Establish new research collaborations and training on emerging diseases of swine Funding request to support 2018 activities of the PAHTF: $20,000 USD

8 Conclusions Activities of Animal Health Task Force 2016-2017
Accomplishments in 2017 Plans and expected outcomes for 2018 Final remarks

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