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CONTROLLING CHEMICAL REACTIONS www. evesham. k12. nj. us/cms/lib04/

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Presentation on theme: "CONTROLLING CHEMICAL REACTIONS www. evesham. k12. nj. us/cms/lib04/"— Presentation transcript:

1 CONTROLLING CHEMICAL REACTIONS www. evesham. k12. nj. us/cms/lib04/

2 Every chemical reaction involves change of energy.
exothermic reaction= releases energy in the form of light, electrical, or heat endothermic reaction= absorbs energy

3 Factors that affect rate of chemical reactions concentration
surface area temperature catalyst inhibitor

4 1. concentration= amount of material in a given volume of another material

5 2. surface area

6 3. temperature

7 4. catalysts= lowers activation energy enzyme= biological catalyst

8 CATALYSTS Reactions need a certain amount of energy to happen.
If they don't have it, oh well, the reaction probably can't happen. A catalyst lowers the amount of energy needed so that a reaction can happen easier.

9 5. inhibitor decreases rate of reaction

10 INHIBITORS Works exactly the opposite of catalysts.
Slow the rate of reaction. Sometimes they even stop the reaction completely. Inhibitors make the reaction slower and more controllable. Without them, some reactions could keep going and going and going. If they did all of the molecules would be used up.

11 Rate of Reaction Clip

12 factors that affect rate of chemical reactions:
Concentration Surface area Temperature Catalysts (enzymes) Inhibitors

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