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The counter-reformation

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Presentation on theme: "The counter-reformation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The counter-reformation
The Church Strikes Back

2 Lutheran Europe ~ 1535

3 Protestant Europe ~ 1550

4 Pope Paul III (Pope from 1534-1549)
A troubled man.

5 The council Of Trent ( ) (No Protestants here.)

6 A brilliant young priest addresses the Council.

7 Ignatius Loyola was hard-core.

8 The Jesuits "Iesus Homini Salvator"

9 The Counter Reformation
The purpose of the Counter Reformation was to defend Catholic theology and criticize Protestantism.


11 The Religious wars of Europe

12 slaughter in the name of christ

13 There are no heroic pictures of the religious wars.

14 The Defenestration of Prague

15 The Thirty Years War “Morally subversive, economically destructive, socially degrading, confused in its causes, devious in its results, it is the outstanding example in European history of meaningless conflict.”

16 Even The generals are surrounded by mud and death.

17 Just another day in the 30 years war.

18 “The miseries of war”


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