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School Site Council (SSC) Training

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1 School Site Council (SSC) Training
Mulberry Elementary School Welcome and introductions East Whittier City School District

2 What is a School Site Council (SSC)?
The SSC is a group of people selected by their peers to represent parents, teachers, administration and other staff. The SSC is given the responsibility to develop, monitor, and evaluate the SPSA for schools receiving certain state or federal funds. Review Ed Code on handout of legal citations.

3 What are the Legal Requirements
The legislation established the following requirements for school plans. What are the Legal Requirements for the SPSA?

4 SPSA Requirement School districts must assure that School Site Councils have developed and approved a plan, to be known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Legislation establish 9 requirements. Think about what process or system you have in place to show that the SSC did, in fact, develop and approve the plan. Ask for responses.

5 SPSA Requirement The Single Plan must be reviewed by the SSC annually and updated, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school.

6 SPSA Requirement School goals must be based upon an analysis of verifiable state data, including the SBAC results and the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and may include any data voluntarily developed by the district to measure student achievement. Analysis of data becomes part of the needs assessment to determine the focus for the use of resources.

7 SPSA Requirement The content of the Single Plan must be aligned with the school’s goals for improving student achievement.

8 SPSA Requirement The Single Plan must be developed with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committees. What other groups might be active at your school site that should provide additional input to the SSC? Ask for responses. Examples: ELAC GATE SAC

9 Compliance Requirement: The SPSA consolidates all plans required by these programs and contains:
Analysis of academic performance data to determine student needs School goals to meet the identified academic needs of students Activities to reach school goals that improve the academic performance of students Expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application The means of annually evaluating the progress of programs toward accomplishing the goals, including determining whether the needs of all children have been met by the strategies used, particularly the needs of low-achieving students and those at risk of not meeting state academic content standards.

10 Evidence for Meeting Compliance
Documents Reviewed Single Plan for Student Achievement Evaluation Results Minutes of SSC approving allocations, proposed expenditures and centralized services Interview Teachers Parents Students School Site Council Advisory Committees FPM

11 Organizing the SSC Elementary Composition (10 minimum)
Teachers must comprise the majority.

12 SSC Responsibilities Plan, monitor and evaluate the activities and expenditures for Consolidated Application programs operated at the school to improve student achievement. [Education Code Section 64001]

13 Welcome to Mulberry’s School Site Council!!!

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