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Compare and Contrast Testing of... Stand Alone Applications

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Presentation on theme: "Compare and Contrast Testing of... Stand Alone Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare and Contrast Testing of... Stand Alone Applications
Web Applications Versus Stand Alone Applications Presented by: Malcolm Moffat

2 Outline of Session Brief Comparison of Stand-alone & Web Apps.
Implications for Testing - What stays the same? What is different? Highlight 5 areas where differences are important: 1. Configuration 2. Browser and OS Compatibility 3. Performance & Security 4. Accessibility 5. Web Standards and Data Sharing Questions & Interrogation!

3 Comparison Stand-Alone Application

4 Comparison Web Application Servers Client Network

5 Implications for Testing
What stays the same? Testing of Core Functionality Unit Testing and Integration Testing Systems Testing User Acceptance Testing Regression Testing Usability Testing

6 Implications for Testing
What is Different? ‘Web application testing is more difficult because complexities are multiplied by all of the distributed system components which interact with the application’ Multiple browser brands and versions Multiple operating systems Multiple server types, brands and versions Multiple software packages and components

7 Helpful for Web Apps testers to understand basics of -
Implications for Testing Helpful for Web Apps testers to understand basics of -

8 Web Apps Software is highly distributed
Highlight 5 Areas 1. Configuration Testing Web Apps Software is highly distributed Test that the system can be correctly installed and configured in customers ‘real world’ user environments. server O/S versions & patches server software versions (e.g. web servers, relational db) server configurations (privileges, registration of components etc) network issues (DNS configuration, Firewalls)

9 Highlight 5 Areas 2. Browser & OS Compatibility Testing
Web Apps have no UI per se - ‘the browser is the UI’ Test with a range of O/S, Devices, and Screens

10 Aim for - Primary configurations & additional secondary configurations
Highlight 5 Areas 2. Browser & OS Compatibility Testing (cont…) Can be time consuming! Aim for - Primary configurations & additional secondary configurations

11 Web Apps - Access is potentially global
Highlight 5 Areas 3. Performance & Security Testing Web Apps - Access is potentially global Performance/Stress Tests - to assess how the system performs under normal/abnormal loads

12 Highlight 5 Areas 3. Performance & Security Testing (cont…)
Security Tests - test that the system is secure from hackers and access by non authorised staff.

13 Highlight 5 Areas 4. Accessibility Testing
Web Apps - Access is potentially global DDA (1995) - ‘Services should provide ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that services are available (e.g. accessible web sites) to those with disabilities.’ Attempt to Implement WCAG (1.0/2.0) to required degree of conformance

14 Web Apps - Data Sharing -‘Loosely Coupled’
Highlight 5 Areas 5. Web Standards and Data Sharing Web Apps - Data Sharing -‘Loosely Coupled’ Testing - HTML Validation CSS Validation XML Validation RSS Validation SRW Validation OAI Validation etc. Importance of Web Standards

15 Summary Compared Stand-alone & Web Applications
Looked at the Implications for Testing Highlighted 5 areas where differences are important: 1. Configuration 2. Browser and OS Compatibility 3. Performance & Security 4. Accessibility 5. Web Standards and Data Sharing

16 Questions & Interrogation!
Thank You You’re ?ired! Questions & Interrogation!

17 Question - Enhancing Testing?
1st gain a detailed picture of current testing Procedures; Possible Suggestions: Ensure that FRs for a feature are well documented and described. Document and archive all functional tests from every testing life cycle. Consider usage of software testing tools (Test Manager Tools, Play and Record Tools). Consider the possibility of utilising ‘Factory Acceptance Testing’ Consider Professional Testing Qualifications for relevant staff

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