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Enterprise Content Management Prepared by: Rick Beck; Director, IT Application Services 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Content Management Prepared by: Rick Beck; Director, IT Application Services 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Content Management Prepared by: Rick Beck; Director, IT Application Services
09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

2 Institutional Background
Institutional Info: Bachelors and now 3 masters programs About 33,000 unduplicated heads per year Approx. 24,000 per term Located on the Auraria Campus Campus Shared with UCD and CCD 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

3 Objectives of the Presentation
Get you to look at the broader picture of “Enterprise Content Management”. Describe Metro state’s Initiatives. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

4 Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Definition: (from Wikepedia) “Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content.” 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

5 Components of Enterprise Content Management
Document Management Web Content Management Search Collaboration Records Management Digital Asset Management Workflow Management Capture and Scanning 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

6 What Kinds of Content? All Digital content including items like:
All document types Scanned images html and other browser content Video Audio Music Animations etc. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

7 Analysis of ECM There are many overlaps in these systems and it helps to look at the broad picture. Because of this diversity, one solution will not meet all needs. Must give special consideration to the notion of “...throughout the lifecycle of the content.”, not just its final state. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

8 Metro State’s ECM Legacy
What problems were we trying to solve? (as developed over time… present) Minimize paper files to save space. Ease of use: Make images available for viewing from anywhere on campus. Overload: Too hard to Keep track of a variety of asset types on network file folders. Collaboration: Locations for document editing and sharing in a community setting. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

9 Metro State’s ECM Legacy
What problems were we trying to solve? (continued) Automating Forms for Efficiency. Paper getting lost/misdirected when editing or signatures are needed. Institutional Digital Assets not widely available. Web Content not kept up-to-date. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

10 Metro State Solutions Office space was the top priority in the 90s:
Solution: Built document imaging, converted to Banner document imaging, moved to OTG…Legato…Documentum…EMC Xtender. Just under 5,000,000 indexed pages 600 users using 35 ‘projects’. 90% student, Finance or employee related and paired to Banner. Issues: Scanning at wrong resolution (waste disk) Time Consuming process of scan and index. Status: Success! 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

11 Metro State Solutions Ease of Access
Solution: Streamlined process of getting security and access to document imaging: Web client put on the standard image. Use EMC DiskXtender to more easily control security to folders with image files. (No end user AD permissions needed.) Issues: Needs .25 FTE to manage, and document owner approvals. Status: Success! 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

12 Metro State Solutions File Overload:
Solution: Looked/looking at a number of products more robust than network file shares including: MS SharePoint EMC Documentum Digital Asset Manager Issues: Initial cost and ongoing maintenance Effort to maintain, especially Sharepoint Status: Eliminated SharePoint Rest of investigation continues… 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

13 Metro State Solutions Collaboration:
Solution: Staff using free web alternatives like Google Apps and Wikis Researched: Sharepoint use abandoned as too costly. EMC Documentum eRoom Issues: Who owns assets created on an online site? Backups and security? Status: Working, but not satisfied. Still Looking… 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

14 Metro State Solutions Internal Forms Processing:
What Exists: Custom Forms that results e.g: Account request that is ed to HR. VPN request that results in to Footprints Help Desk system. Researched: K2 Black Pearl (online forms) Forms in new WebCMS package - Terminal 4 Issues: extra development effort needed and often requires changes or just ends up out of date. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

15 Metro State Solutions Signature-required processes getting lost or misdirected: What had Existed: Paper signed and sent/delivered to next person e.g.: Personnel Action Form Curriculum forms Researched: Adobe Acrobat Pro X & Digital Signatures SunGard Banner Workflow SunGard Infinity Process Platform (IPP) 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

16 Metro State Solutions Signature-required processes getting lost or misdirected: (Continued) Solution: Signature Documents: Adobe Acrobat Pro X Approvals Needed Processes: Banner Workflow or IPP? Issues: Cultural resistance to electronic signature Training on usage Software cost for tools like Acrobat Pro Where is the electronic document now?! 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

17 Metro State Solutions Signature-required processes getting lost or misdirected: (Continued) Status: Adobe Acrobat Pro X implementation in progress Still need to resolve the tracking issue 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

18 Metro State Solutions Institutionally Generated Digital Asset Preservation and Availability: What had existed: Paper stored throughout campus and not widely available. Solution: Participate in Auraria Library Digitools project. Issues: Who responsible for approving content? Long term - tools available to get out the content. Status: Implementation once responsibilities determined. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

19 Metro State Solutions Web Content Management: What had existed:
Web content stored and updated by individual offices using html or Dreamweaver. A lot of content was continually out of date. Solution: RFP and then purchase of Terminal 4 WebCMS for academic and administrative use. Issues: Adoption by those who like ‘the old way’. Status: Terminal 4 being implemented. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

20 Metro State Solutions Where to go from Here??
Continue expanded use of EMC Xtender Research Documentum Digital Asset Manager product and others. Implement Banner Workflow Research IPP Push forward with Adobe Acrobat Pro X Work to resolve issue with locating the electronic file. Configure and use Digitools in conjunction with the Auraria Library. Continue Terminal 4 webCMS implementation. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

21 Summary Need to think more globally to solve your campus user’s digital content problems. One solution will not solve all problems. Need to decide who has responsibility for what. Deal with the entire life of the content. 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

22 ? 09/21/2011 CHECO Fall 2011 Conference

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