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G061 - Tailored Interfaces

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1 G061 - Tailored Interfaces
“What makes an application look good?”

2 Learning Objectives: At the end of this topic you should be able to:
describe the design considerations for tailored data-entry screens; describe how interfaces can be tailored explain the advantages and disadvantages of tailoring a user interface;

3 Data-entry screens usually an online form used to enter data.
with most applications software it is possible to create a data-entry screen and tailor (customise) it to the needs of the user. the design considerations are what needs to be thought about when designing the layout of the data-entry screen.

4 Design Considerations
layout of the screen uncluttered consistent logical order for screen items to aid user data entry relevance only requires the minimum of input from the user concise and useful information on screen choice of font size & style must be easy to read colours different colours to highlight information required shouldn’t clash

5 Design Considerations
validation checks can only enter appropriate data visual & audible cues error messages which are useful and clear audio feedback to confirm input/action clearly marked exits from the screens graphics & animation kept to a minimum help options useful, clear & in simple language

6 G061 - Tailored Interfaces
“What makes an application easy to use?”

7 Learning Objectives: At the end of this topic you should be able to:
describe the design considerations for tailored data-entry screens; including ‘L*****’, ‘F***’, ‘C*****’ describe how interfaces can be tailored including using ‘Form Controls’ buttons, tick boxes, drop-down lists ….. explain the advantages and disadvantages of tailoring a user interface;

8 Tailored system interface
modifying standard software to suit a particular application or user usually involves adding form controls to simplify user actions

9 Form Controls

10 Tailored system interface
Advantages: use of the application is simplified no need to perform complicated tasks less mistakes made by novice users because interface is easier to use faster to enter data & make choices Disadvantages: level of knowledge required to create & test the interface skills required to customise the application time taken to modify the interface simplified interface may restrict advanced users

11 Form Controls Combo Box Option Button Check Box List Box
available options are selected from a drop down list Option Button choice selected by the user from a group of options/values Check Box options can be selected List Box the user can select one or more items from the given list

12 Form Controls Spinner Text Box Label Button
to increase or decrease values Text Box text is entered and then used in the application Label instructions given to the user Button the user pushes a button to start an event buttons can be linked to macros

13 Tailored system interface
Advantages: use of the application is simplified no need to perform complicated tasks less mistakes made by novice users because interface is easier to use faster to enter data & make choices Disadvantages: level of knowledge required to create & test the interface skills required to customise the application time taken to modify the interface simplified interface may restrict advanced users

14 Tailored system interface

15 Tailored system interface

16 Examination Question A new company, Beautiful Bird Tables (BBT), has been set up. The company make and sell bird tables.  Spreadsheet software has been customised to enable the staff of BBT to calculate the cost of customers’ orders. The spreadsheet software interface has been tailored using forms, menus and macros. Explain the advantages, to BBT of tailoring the spreadsheet interface [6] Describe, giving examples, how form controls can be used to assist the staff to enter data into the spreadsheet. [6]

17 Examination Question Increased usability of interface
user does not need to perform complicated tasks Actions frequently performed can be automated eg totalling of order/adding deliver costs Same user interface can be used on many spreadsheet user familiarity can use any spreadsheet without additional training Buttons can be used to start a process eg print an invoice saves time of user Forms can be used to provide data entry tools eg help/messages/ validation Drop-down boxes/option boxes/fill-in boxes assist on data selection/input Menus provide choices available to user eg pop-up/full-screen/pull-down options not available' greyed out'

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