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Rational Choice Theory

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1 Rational Choice Theory
Visualising Rational Choice Theory Shaping our Understanding of Crime

2 Offenders not qualitatively different
Rational Choice Theory Offenders Choosing crime Opportunities Benefits and Costs Choosing crime Offending is explained at the level of the individual and the choices they make: the objective, is to explain how and why some people make decisions that ultimately lead to crime. Offenders not qualitatively different There’s nothing in the sociological or psychological background of offenders that causes or explains their offending. People make choices about their behaviour in the context of particular situations - particularly the opportunities that are available for the commission of crimes. Benefits and Costs When a criminal opportunity is presented the potential offender acts on the basis of a rational assessment of the likely benefits (or rewards) and costs of offending. If an individual believes the benefits outweigh the costs then a crime is likely to be committed; if the reverse, the opportunity will be rejected. Opportunities The extent to which opportunities for crime exist. Different criminal choices arise within different environments and the opportunities they present - or do not present - for criminal behaviour. Notes Almost by definition, the members are first generation converts, and, like all converts, they tend to be far more enthusiastic and committed - even fanatic - than those born into a religion.

3 Rational Choice Theory
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