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1. Promotion Criteria. Secondary 2 Subject Combination Briefing 14 April 2018 Normal (Technical)

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1 Secondary 2 Subject Combination Briefing 14 April 2018 Normal (Technical)

2 1. Promotion Criteria

3 Promotion Criteria Level/Stream Criteria
Secondary 2 Normal (Technical) Grade 5 or better in 2 subjects, one of which should be EL or Math Pass: Promoted to 3 N(T) Fail: Retained at 2N(T) To highlight that students who do very well may be offered a place in Normal Academic in Minimum of 70% for combined grade.

4 2. Educational Pathways

5 Please highlight that the NT students do not take the same subjects and papers as the NA students.

6 Application Requirements for ITE
Normal Technical Stream 2 Year Nitec : At least 2 N’Level Passes 3 Year Nitec : 0-1 N’Level Passes 2 Year ITE Traineeship

7 EAE for ITE The Early Admission Exercise (EAE) is an aptitude and interest-based exercise that allows your child to apply and receive conditional offers from ITEs prior to receiving the final N-level results, i.e. before the JIE exercise with everyone else.

8 JIE Booklet for N’Levels
To know more about the Nitec and ITE Traineeship requirements after N’Levels, refer to the downloadable softcopy of the Joint Intake Exercise 2018 (JIE) booklet. ssion/ft/JIEN%20Admission %20Booklet%202018_Final. pdf

9 3. Subject Options for 2019

10 Computer Applications
  6-Subject Combination 1 English 2 Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics 4 Science 5 Computer Applications 6* Design & Technology or Food Studies Mobile Robotics *Students are required to make a choice between the three subjects offered.

11 Please note: There is a maximum class size of 20 for Mobile Robotics. The top 20 scorers (overall percentage) who select Mobile Robotics will be selected for the course. For subjects where options are provided, there must be a minimum number of students offering that subject(s) for a class to be opened.

12 4. Streaming Timeline

13 Secondary 2 Streaming Exercise
Apr – May Subject Combination Briefing (parents) Subject Option Talk (students) Trial Streaming Exercise Jun – Sep Review of Sec 2 Performance & Targets against preferred Sec 3 subject combination Oct Students submit final selection of subject combination after SA 2 Nov Announcement of Streaming results and classes for 2019

14 5. Selection Process

15 How is the Final Subject Combination Decided?
Allocation is based solely on performance NOT potential Must meet streaming criteria Overall merit relative to cohort (overall performance + performance in specific subject) Availability of places in each combination

16 6. Considerations

17 Considerations when Exercising Options
Make a choice based on strengths, aptitude and interest Consider post-secondary education options and interests  Can view JIE 2018 booklet for list of courses and required subjects

18 Useful Resources Bartley Secondary School:
MOE Post-Secondary School Education: Joint ITE Portal: My Skills Future: ECG Parents Guide: ECG Success Stories “The Next Step Forward” - "The Next Step Forward“:

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