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Reproduction: Asexual vs. Sexual

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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction: Asexual vs. Sexual"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction: Asexual vs. Sexual

2 What is asexual reproduction?
One parent producing an offspring identical to itself.

3 Genetic Variation There is no variation in genetics. The offspring are identical to parent.

4 In What Type of Organisms does asexual reproduction occur?
Single celled organisms, (bacteria) The body cells of multi-cellular organisms, (ALL Non-Sex Cells!)

5 Example: Skin cells reproducing Bacteria dividing

6 Asexual Reproduction:
Purpose: Produce genetically identical offspring

7 Advantages of Asexual Reproduction
Quick, Simple, Offspring are identical to the parent (Ex. Skin cells produce skin cells!)

8 Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction
NO DIVERSITY! What can harm one organism, can harm all!

9 Binary Fission A form of asexual reproduction used by all prokaryotes

10 Mitosis

11 Cell Division: Mitosis
Process: Cell division Purpose: Create two genetically identical cells Cells types: Body Cells / Somatic Cells (ALL Non-Sex Cells)

12 Cell Division: Mitosis
Type of Reproduction: Asexual # of Parent Cells: One # of Daughter Cells (Offspring): Two Genetic Material: Offspring DNA is Identical to parent

13 Cell Division: Mitosis
Types of Organisms: Single-Celled organisms, bacteria, Body cells # of Cell Divisions: One

14 Cell Division: Mitosis
Sets of Chromosomes: Full (2n), Diploid (Human= Start 46, End 46) # of Chromosomes: Full (2n), Diploid Amount of DNA: Full, complete set of organisms chromosomes

15 Mitosis How non-sex cells reproduce (skin, intenstine, blood etc)
Starts with one parent cell Ends with two daughter cells Daughter cells are genetically identical

16 Sexual Reproduction & Meiosis

17 Sexual Reproduction What is it? Creating a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms.

18 Sexual Reproduction Genetic Variation The offspring is genetically unique from either parent

19 Sexual Reproduction What organisms reproduce sexually? (& Examples) Multi-cellular organisms: Plants & Animals

20 Sexual Reproduction Purpose Create genetically diverse offspring.

21 Sexual Reproduction Advantages A diverse population can better adapt to changes in the environment & avoid extinction

22 Sexual Reproduction Disadvantages -Takes longer to produce offspring -Need to find a mate


24 Meiosis: Creating Sex Cells

25 Meiosis Process: Sex Cell Division Purpose: Create sex cells (gametes) Type of Cell: Gametes (sperm & egg) Type of Reproduction: Sexual

26 Meiosis # of Parent Cells: 1 # of Daughter Cells: 4 Genetic Material At End: Each of the 4 daughter cells will be unique from the parent and other daughter cells

27 Meiosis Type of organisms: Multi-cellular organisms; male and female # of Cell Divisions: 2

28 Meiosis Sets of Chromosomes: Creates cells with 1 set of chromosomes.
Known as ‘haploid cells’ (1n)

29 Meiosis # of Chromosomes:
Sex cells have half the # of chromosomes as somatic cells (Human: 23 sperm, 23 egg)

30 Meiosis Amount of DNA: Half the amount of DNA (haploid, 1n)


32 13. Genetic Variation: Crossing Over
Crossing over = Chromosome pairs exchanging segments of DNA This creates genetic variation.

33 Oogenesis- formation of ovum (egg cells)
Female mammals are believed to be born with finite number of potential eggs 7 million at 20 weeks of gestation 1-2 million at birth 400,000 at puberty ~500 will be released in their lifetime Few if any complete meiosis

34 Spermatogenesis- formation of sperm cells
Begins at puberty, ends at death One spermatocyte yields four spermatazoa Process takes about 64 days 170 million sperm made a day

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