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How do we train military doctors for their role?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we train military doctors for their role?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we train military doctors for their role?
Brigadier Robin Simpson QHS Defence Dean




5 Biggest Dangers!


7 ACTIVITIES AS A MO Aid dialogue between factions

8 Not involved!









17 Problem areas Communication

18 Undergraduate training
Army Medical Officers Training pipeline Speciality Selection Revalidation/ CCT Selected for Commission ASCAB Deployment Deployment Deployment GDMO Consultant GP PGMO SPR F1 F2 Undergraduate training

19 The Pre-Commissioning Course - 2 days
Initial Medical Examination Fitness tests Aptitude tests

20 Commissioning Course - 2 days
Fitness tests Aptitude tests Leaderless tasks Planning Exercise Command tasks Obstacle course Presentation Interview

21 Foundation Years For DMS in Deaneries where DMG located All DMS FY MOs
Derriford, Frimley Park, North Allerton, QE Birmingham, Portsmouth All DMS FY MOs A and E GP (where possible in DMS GP Training Practice)

22 Phase 2A Military Medical Skills
Army PGMO Course Exams Phase 1 RMAS Phase 2A Military Medical Skills Phase 2B Medical Skills for GDMO 6 Months

23 PGMO Exams Exams in: Primary Care Preventative Medicine
Military Medicine Military Psychiatry Diploma in Medical Care of Catastrophes' MIMMS BATLS

24 BATLS Primary Survey - <C>ABCDE Catastrophic Haemorrhage Control
Airway (and cervical spine control where appropriate) Breathing and Ventilation (with oxygen where available) Circulation and Haemorrhage Control Disability or Neurological Deficit Extremity / Environment / Exposure

25 Tourniquets

26 Topical Haemostatic For non compressible haemorrhage Celox gauze, which contains a substance chitosan derived from crushed shellfish, becomes sticky on contact with blood, helping clots develop and rapidly stopping even severe bleeding.

27 Hypotensive resuscitation
A strategy of hypotensive resuscitation is acceptable for the first hour post-injury. If the radial pulse is absent, give repeated intravenous boluses of 250mls of crystalloid fluid until the radial pulse can be detected.

28 MIMMS Major Incident Medical Management and Support: the practical approach at the scene

29 Military Fellowships EM Aviation and Space Medicine Paediatrics PHEM
UK Australia Aviation and Space Medicine 6 months in Florida or Kazakhstan

30 Military module RCoA Military Operational Surgical Training Course – since week. Prepare the multidisciplinary team for deployment Lectures, small group workshops, fully immersive simulation scenarios and cadaveric workshops.

31 Military Fellowships Pre / Post CCT
Defence Anaesthesia Simulation Course - 2 days - Competence with many of the key items of military anaesthetic equipment. Realistic scenarios in a field operating theatre setting Paediatric casualties

32 Pre Deployment Training
Weapons handling and skill at arms. Kit prep and personal admin. Camouflage and concealment. Patrolling and Tactical Movement. Communications including use of radio. Preparation of defensive positions. Land navigation (map reading!) Night time movement.


34 Mandated to at least meet civilian standards
Clinical Governance including audit and Significant Event Revalidation Training Standards Speciality Selection Need to apply standards both in peacetime (barracks) and on operations (where possible) CQC

35 Questions?

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