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Sociology- Is it a Science or Not

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1 Sociology- Is it a Science or Not
Sociology- Is it a Science or Not? Importance of sociology relation of sociology with other social sciences -Hrishika

2 What is Science? It’s a branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws. Scientific knowledge is based on evidences. Characteristics: Concise, Consistent, Concrete formulation, verification of the data as well as of the generalisations scientific methods : observation, recording, classification, hypotheses, verification and prediction

3 Sociology is a Science If the methods of a study are scientific the subject deserves the rank of Science. Sociology cannot experiment with men directly in a laboratory. Moreover Sociology does employ scientific methods as schedules, questionnaires, interview and case study which apply quantitative measurements to social phenomena and which are comparable to the method of experimentation Observation and comparison – the basic methods of scientific investigations are used in Sociology Sociology does frame laws and attempts to predict (subject to change) Sociology studies the Cause and effect relationship (how and why)

Observation- Sociology observes the behavior of the people under conditions in which they live. Recording- All the data obtained in the observation is recorded. Recording must be accurate and objective. Classification of the data: once the facts are observed and recorded we classify them in a certain order. It helps us to correlate the facts which we have collected and establish some relationship between them. Formulation of hypothesis- Formulation of some sort of possible explanation for the correlation between the facts classified. It is not necessary that hypothesis should be correct. Prediction: Generalisation established on the basis of observation of facts

5 Importance of Sociology
Sociology makes a scientific study of society Sociology studies the role of institutions in the development of the individuals The study of sociology is indispensable for understanding and planning of the society Sociology is of great importance in the solution of social problems 5. Sociology has drawn our attention to the worth and dignity of man. 6. Sociology has changed our view with regard to the social problems of crime etc. 7. Sociology as a profession

6 Sociology History Political Science Economics Anthropology Geography
Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences Sociology History Political Science Economics Anthropology Geography Psychology Biology

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