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IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge

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Presentation on theme: "IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge"— Presentation transcript:

1 IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge
Tool Kit & Presentation Template

2 IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge Presentation Objectives
The presentation should be the result of an effort to improve the presenter’s Security knowledge, and; To educate and enhance the IT Security Team’s awareness of Security techniques, trends, and/or tools.

3 Audience for The IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge Presentation
The initial audience for the IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge is the IT Security Team. The IT Security Team is comprised of: ITCD’s IT Security Civil Servant Team HITSS IT Security Team HITSS OCIO IT Security Division Team HITSS Software Library Team If the presentation is deemed worthy of interest to other management or NASA HQ entities, it could be could promoted for further presentation.

4 What Should Be Addressed in the Presentation?
What inspired you to research this Security technique, trend, and/or tool? A quick demonstration of the Security technique, trend, and/or tool. Who in the marketplace is using this Security technique, trend, and/or tool? Is it gaining market share? How do you perceive this Security technique, trend, and/or tool could be used to address a particular objective? Could the Security technique, trend, and/or tool be used to identify, mitigate, or close a vulnerability that is impacting the organization. Did you perform any cost/benefit analysis of the Security technique, trend, and/or tool, and if so what were your findings? Could be measured in tax dollars saved, man-hours saved, cost avoidance, cost delay, etc.

5 Process for Requesting Time to Present
Presenter will need to approach the HITSS Security Manager with presentation concept and request to present. HITSS Security Manager will approve or reject the request, or ask the Presenter for refinement of the concept. If asked for refinement, the Presenter will follow the direction given by the HITSS Security Manager, and restart at step 1. If the concept and request is approved, the Presenter will ask the HITSS Security Operations Team Lead to schedule a IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge Presentation with the IT Security Team.

6 Process for Presenting to the IT Security Team
Presenter will develop their presentation and address with their content the suggested questions offered on Slide 4. Prior to delivery, the Presenter may be asked to share their presentation with the HITSS Security Manager and/or the HQ Center Chief Information Security Officer (Center CISO) for review and/or edit (optional at the Manager’s discretion). Presenter will deliver the presentation to the IT Security Team at the designated time and location provided by the HITSS Security Operations Team Lead.

7 Process for Promoting Presentation to a Higher Level
After presenting to the IT Security Team, the ITCD’s IT Security Civil Servant Team in conjunction with the HITSS Security Manager will determine if the presentation merits promotion to a higher level or audience , such as: HITSS Management, ITCD Management, An ITCD All-Hands Meeting, or Other higher level audience deemed to be appropriate. If it is determined that the presentation warrants delivery another audience, the ITCD’s IT Security Civil Servant Team, the HITSS Security Manager, the HITSS Security Operations Team Lead, and the Presenter will work together to: Determine the proper audience for the next presentation, Schedule the next presentation, Who to invite… Where… When… Scope the presentation, if necessary, and Deliver the presentation.

8 What Slide Template to Use?
Please feel free to use any of the slide templates included in this Tool Kit package for your presentation, or (If you choose to use this PowerPoint Template, please delete slide numbers 1-8, and start your presentation with slide 9 below.) Choose a different PowerPoint Template, or Chose another presentation vehicle or method that suits your needs, audience, and/or delivery criteria. Caveat: Use of the alternate presentation vehicle should not violate NASA IT Security Policy, Sensitive But Unclassified Information Policy, other applicable NASA NPD/NPR, or NASA HQ SOP.

9 IT Security Cutting Edge Challenge Presentation
Subject Date Presenter

10 Title and Content Layout with List
Add your first bullet point here Add your second bullet point here Add your third bullet point here

11 Title and Content Layout with Chart

12 Two Content Layout with Table
First bullet point here Second bullet point here Third bullet point here Group 1 Group 2 Class 1 82 95 Class 2 76 88 Class 3 84 90

13 Title and Content Layout with SmartArt
Step 1 Title Task description Step 2 Title Step 3 Title Step 4 Title







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