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Chapter 11: Inference About a Mean

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1 Chapter 11: Inference About a Mean

2 In Chapter 11: 11.1 Estimated Standard Error of the Mean
12/2/2018 In Chapter 11: 11.1 Estimated Standard Error of the Mean 11.2 Student’s t Distribution 11.3 One-Sample t Test 11.4 Confidence Interval for μ 11.5 Paired Samples 11.6 Conditions for Inference 11.7 Sample Size and Power 12/2/2018 Basic Biostat

3 σ not known Prior chapter: σ was known before collecting data  z procedures used to help infer µ When σ NOT known, calculate sample standard deviations s and use it to calculate this standard error: 12/2/2018

4 Additional Uncertainty
The Normal distribution doesn’t fit well Using s instead of σ adds uncertainty to inferences  can NOT use z procedures Instead, rely on Student’s t procedures William Sealy Gosset (1876–1937) 12/2/2018

5 Student’s t distributions
Family of probability distributions Family members identified by degrees of freedom (df) Similar to “Z”, but with broader tails As df increases → tails get skinnier → t become like z A t distribution with infinite degrees of freedom is a Standard Normal Z distribution 12/2/2018

6 Table C (t table) Rows  df Columns  probabilities Entries  t values
Notation: tcum_prob,df = t value Example: t.975, 9 = 2.262 12/2/2018

7 One-Sample t Test Objective: test a claim about population mean µ
Conditions : Simple Random Sample Normal population or “large sample” 12/2/2018

8 Hypothesis Statements
Null hypothesis H0: µ = µ0 where µ0 represents the pop. mean expected by the null hypothesis Alternative hypotheses Ha: µ < µ0 (one-sided, left) Ha: µ > µ0 (one-sided, right) Ha: µ ≠ µ0 (two-sided) 12/2/2018

9 Example Do SIDS babies have lower average birth weights than a general population mean µ of 3300 gms? H0: µ = 3300 Ha: µ < 3300 (one-sided) or Ha: µ ≠ 3300 (two-sided) 12/2/2018

10 One-Sample t Test Statistic
where This t statistic has n – 1 degrees of freedom 12/2/2018

11 Example (Data) 2998 3740 2031 2804 2454 2780 2203 3803 3948 2144 SRS n = 10 birth weights (grams) of SIDS cases 12/2/2018

12 Example Testing H0: µ = 3300 12/2/2018

13 P-value via Table C Bracket |tstat| between t critical values Table C.
For |tstat| = 1.80 with 9 df Table C. Upper-tail P 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.025 df = 9 0.703 0.883 1.100 1.383 1.833 2.262 |tstat| = 1.80 Thus  One-tailed: 0.05 < P < 0.10 Two-tailed: 0.10 < P < 0.20 12/2/2018

14 For a more precise P-value use a computer utility
Here’s output from the free utility StaTable Graphically: 12/2/2018

15 Interpretation Testing H0: µ = 3300 gms Two-tailed P > .10
Conclude: weak evidence against H0 The sample mean (2890.5) is NOT significantly different from 3300 12/2/2018

16 (1− α)100% CI for µ where 12/2/2018

17 Same Data Interpretation: Population mean µ is between 2375 and 3406 grams with 95% confidence 12/2/2018

18 §11.5 Paired Samples Two samples
Each data point in one sample uniquely matched to a data point in the other sample Examples of paired samples “Pre-test/post-test” Cross-over trials Pair-matching 12/2/2018

19 Example Does oat bran reduce LDL cholesterol?
Start half of subjects on CORNFLK diet Start other half on OATBRAN Two weeks  LDL cholesterol Washout period Cross-over to other diet 12/2/2018

20 Oat bran data LDL cholesterol mmol
Subject CORNFLK OATBRAN 12/2/2018

21 Within-pair difference “DELTA”
Let DELTA = CORNFLK - OATBRAN First three observations in OATBRAN data: ID CORNFLK OATBRAN DELTA etc. All procedures are now directed toward difference variable DELTA 12/2/2018

22 Exploratory and descriptive stats
DELTA: 0.77, 0.85, −0.45, −0.26, 0.30, 0.86, 0.60, 0.62, 0.31, 0.72, 0.09, 0.16 Stemplot |-0f|4 |-0*|2 |+0*|01 |+0t|33 |+0f| |+0s|6677 |+0.|88 ×1 LDL (mmol) subscript d denotes “difference” 12/2/2018

23 95% CI for µd  95% confident population mean difference µd is between and mmol/L 12/2/2018

24 Hypothesis Test Claim: oat bran diet is associated with a decline (one-sided) or change (two-sided) in LDL cholesterol. Test H0: µd = µ0 where µ0 = 0 Ha: µd > µ0 (one-sided) Ha: µ ≠ µ0 (two-sided) 12/2/2018

25 Paired t statistic 12/2/2018

26 P-value via Table C Table C. Thus  One-tailed: .005 < P < .01
|tstat| = Table C. Upper-tail P .01 .005 .0025 df = 11 2.718 3.106 3.497 Thus  One-tailed: .005 < P < .01 Two-tailed: .01 < P < .02 12/2/2018

27 P-value via Computer 12/2/2018

28 SPSS Output: “Oat Bran”

29 My P value is smaller than yours!
Interpretation My P value is smaller than yours! Testing H0: µ = 0 Two-tailed P = 0.011  Good reason to doubt H0 (Optional) The difference is “significant” at α = .05 but not at α = .01 12/2/2018

30 The Normality Condition
t Procedures require Normal population or large samples How do we assess this condition? Guidelines. Use t procedures when: Population Normal population symmetrical and n ≥ 10 population skewed and n ≥ ~45 (depends on severity of skew) 12/2/2018

31 Can a t procedures be used?
Skewed small sample  avoid t procedures 12/2/2018

32 Can a t procedures be used?
Mild skew in moderate sample  t OK 12/2/2018

33 Can a t procedures be used?
Skewed moderate sample  avoid t 12/2/2018

34 Sample Size and Power Methods:
(1) n required to achieve m when estimating µ (2) n required to test H0 with 1−β power (3) Power of a given test of H0 12/2/2018

35 Power α ≡ alpha (two-sided) Δ ≡ “difference worth detecting” = µa – µ0
n ≡ sample size σ ≡ standard deviation Φ(z) ≡ cumulative probability of Standard Normal z score with . 12/2/2018

36 Power: SIDS Example Let α = .05 and z1-.05/2 = 1.96
Test: H0: μ = 3300 vs. Ha: μ = Thus: Δ ≡ µ1 – µ0 = 3300 – 3000 = 300 n = 10 and σ ≡ 720 (see prior SIDS example) Use Table B to look up cum prob  Φ(-0.64) = .2611 12/2/2018

37 Power: Illustrative Example

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