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District & Community Organizations: A Data-Driven Partnership

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Presentation on theme: "District & Community Organizations: A Data-Driven Partnership"— Presentation transcript:

1 District & Community Organizations: A Data-Driven Partnership
November 9, 2017 Maren Henderson, Evaluation Specialist Accountability, Innovation, and Research

2 Context 36,000 students 66 schools Highly segregated city
36% African American 34% White 18% Hispanic/Latinx 6% Asian 3% American Indian 66 schools Highly segregated city Significant achievement gap Over 300 community partners Active philanthropic and business community MCA Reading Growth Z-Scores by Neighborhood Percent of Students Identifying as White by Neighborhood

3 Challenges to Address Data Privacy
Staff Capacity/Frequency of Data Requests Limited Formative Use of Data Interpretations of Impact Concerns about Program Quality

4 Community Partnership Evaluation Program

5 Theory of Change Access to data Support interpreting and using data
Stronger relationship with district Improved programming for youth Improve data sharing with MPS community partners. Align community partner services to MPS strategic plan and goals. Increase the capacity of community partners to utilize evaluation for program improvement.

6 Access to Data Compliant & Streamlined Roster Collection Biannual Aggregate Reports Data Dashboard

7 Biannual Aggregate Reports
Created using R and R Markdown Data Includes: Demographics Service Status Achievement Outcomes* Test Scores (Proficiency and Growth) School Performance Engagement* Attendance Behavior *Fall Reports contain prior year/baseline data

8 /cpoost.html
Data Dashboard /cpoost.html What types of programs do MPS students participate in? Does program access vary by school or neighborhood? Which students are being served by programs? Who is not being served? Are there significant overlaps in program participation?

9 Support Interpreting and Using Data
Evaluation Capacity Building Workshops Collective Impact Network Support

10 Evaluation Capacity Building
Monthly, now quarterly Examples of Topics: Logic Model Theory of Change Coding Qualitative Data Excel Youth Participatory Evaluation

11 Collective Impact Network Support
College Access Network Ongoing Data Pulls Duplication Recruitment FAFSA and College Application Status End of Year Summary Numbers served; eligible students not served Participant Outcomes Adding to Predictive Modeling in 2018

12 Stronger Relationship with District
Technical Assistance Evaluation Capacity Building Workshops

13 Improved Programs for Youth (Long-Term Impact)
District Indicators: Enhanced understanding of impact of out-of-school time and/or community partner offered programs on school district outcomes Increased ability to understand individual partner impact

14 Improved Programs for Youth (Long-Term Impact)
Partner Indicators: Increased ability to understand program impact Easier and consistent access to data Enhanced capacity to support formative and summative evaluative practices

15 Improved Programs for Youth (Long-Term Impact)
Funder Indicators: Enhanced understanding of collective impact of out-of-school time and/or community partner offered programs on school district outcomes Increased ability to understand individual partner impact, when applicable Gaining confidence in program’s continuous quality improvement efforts

16 Key Factors to Successful Partnership
Focus on Evaluation Use Focus on Mutually Beneficial Efforts Sustained Investment Cross-Sector Collaboration

17 Questions? Comments?

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