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Peer Feedback. In the homework section on the web for today: In the homework section on the web for today: 1. Open the link in the file and log into

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Feedback. In the homework section on the web for today: In the homework section on the web for today: 1. Open the link in the file and log into"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Feedback

2 In the homework section on the web for today: In the homework section on the web for today: 1. Open the link in the file and log into google@cps 2. Open the main page to your web site 3. Write your name on a paper next to your keyboard

3 Peer Review Go around to each persons computer in the room Go around to each persons computer in the room You will look at their site and review it based on the following criteria: You will look at their site and review it based on the following criteria: 1. Design 2. Content 3. Navigation

4 Design 1. Is the sites design aesthetically appealing? 2. Are the colors used harmonious and logically related? 3. Are the color choices visually accessible? (For example high enough in contrast to assist the colorblind and visually impaired in reading the site appropriately) 4. Is the design audience appropriate? 5. Are the graphics appropriate?

5 Content 1. Is the website copy succinct but informative? 2. Is the information organized clearly? 3. Does the writing style suit the websites purpose and speak to its target audience? 4. Is the contrast between text and its background color sufficient to make reading easy on the eyes? Readability, type face, font size 5. Is text broken into small, readable chunks and highlighted using headings, sub-headings and emphasis features where appropriate to assist in skimming? 6. Are alt tags in place on all significant images?

6 Navigation 1. Are links labeled with anchor text that provides a clear indication of where they lead? 2. Do clickable items stylistically indicate that they are clickable? 3. How intuitive is it to navigate? Are signs obvious or obscured? Buttons/Links Like Text, that are not clickable and vice versa, links/buttons that cannot be identified as such 4. Is there a clear statement of PURPOSE of the site? Purpose must become clear within a few seconds without reading much or no text copy at all. 5. Is it hard to get back to the home page? Call to action on every page, no dead ends

7 Comments I will look to see that you have reviewed various peoples pages so fill in your name I will look to see that you have reviewed various peoples pages so fill in your name I review the comments for appropriateness! I review the comments for appropriateness! You name will be removed before I give the comments back to the person… You name will be removed before I give the comments back to the person…

8 What are you waiting for???? What are you waiting for???? Get Going!!!!! Get Going!!!!!

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