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Year 1 Information Meeting Year 1 Team 1 Blue Teacher/Year Leader - Miss Addie. 1 White Teacher – Miss Ramsell. 1 Red Teacher – Miss Chahal. Friday 1st.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 Information Meeting Year 1 Team 1 Blue Teacher/Year Leader - Miss Addie. 1 White Teacher – Miss Ramsell. 1 Red Teacher – Miss Chahal. Friday 1st."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 Information Meeting Year 1 Team 1 Blue Teacher/Year Leader - Miss Addie. 1 White Teacher – Miss Ramsell. 1 Red Teacher – Miss Chahal. Friday 1st December 9am

2 Parent’s Meeting – Year 1
Things we will cover in this meeting: Year 1 expectations. Behaviour expectations. Pastoral Care.

3 Year 1 Expectations Children are now working from the National Curriculum in Year 1 – this is different to the EYFS. We cover a range of subjects each week including Maths, Literacy, Science, Phonics, Topic, Art, Music, SMSC, PSHE, PE and Handwriting. Work in these lessons are tailored to meet the needs of all children within the class.

4 Home Reading Your child will read to their class teacher/learning support assistant at least once a week. Other members of staff e.g. DRA’s and parent helpers will also listen to your children read. Your child should read at home as often as possible for no longer than 10 minutes at a time. Challenges in the reading diary will be set by the teacher. If challenges are set they should be completed to help develop understanding and reading skills. These will also be marked by the class teacher.

5 Reading diary There is a list of questions that you can ask your child when they have finished reading. When you have heard your child read please record this in the reading diary. It would be great if your made a note of the pages read and how they did.

6 Spelling Tests Spelling tests are given every Thursday/Friday (Week 1-6) Spellings can be found in the children’s homework folders – remember take these out when you hand the folder in OR perhaps take a photo or copy them out for reference at home Children MUST practise at home. We strive for 10/10 each week and the children will be rewarded. Learning spellings will allow the children to make good progress in their writing.

7 How can the children practise?

8 How can the children practise?

9 Handwriting All of the children are now using a cursive script style in their handwriting. They are aiming to achieve a pen license.

10 Phonics We have a phonics lesson every day at school. This is differentiated according to the children’s needs and abilities. We follow the Read Write Inc scheme of work. There is a Standardised Test in phonics for all children in Year 1. This will take place in June 201. More information will follow closer to the time.

11 Phonics We encourage the children to segment and blend the words they are reading. Segmenting means to say the sounds individually in the word. Blend means to put the sounds together to say the word. Eg. C-A-T – CAT. Alien/Pseudo words – these are words that are not real but are phonetically readable.

12 School Library In Year 1 we take the children to the school library each week. Your child is allowed to take a library book out of the library and bring it home. They are allowed to keep this book at home for 2 weeks – after this time they will need to return the book to school otherwise they will incur a late charge fee.

13 Homework Homework is sent home weekly on a Friday afternoon.
Children are expected to do their homework over the weekend and return to school. We kindly ask that all homework is returned by Wednesday the following week. Please support your child with their homework – BUT do not do it for them. It is to help them learn and consolidate learning from the week.

14 Blog and Online Learning Tools.
Your children’s username and passwords are the same as in Reception. These are powerful tools that the children like to use. You should be encouraging your child to respond to blog posts daily. Sit down yourself with them once in a while because it will help you to understand what they have been learning.

15 How to log on!

16 Purple Mash Purple Mash is a fantastic tool to rehearse and practise basic skills that we teachers rely on them knowing and applying. It will help children with all aspects of the curriculum. Purple Mash allows teachers to set the children work which is appropriate to the child’s abilities and tailors the games to their needs. KIDS LOVE IT… They feel like they are playing a game but they are learning!

17 Purple Mash Your children’s username and passwords are in their Reading Diary’s. Purple Mash is easy to find on the website.

18 Education City Pupils love it. Homework can be set.
Ready to go activities.

19 Skoolbo Skoolbo is a fantastic tool to rehearse and practise basic skills that we teachers rely on them knowing and applying. It will help children with Maths and Reading. Skoolbo learns the child’s abilities and tailors the games to their needs. KIDS LOVE IT… They feel like they are playing a game but they are learning!

20 Skoolbo Your children’s username and passwords are in the front of their reading diaries. Search for Skoolbo on the website Scroll down to find the post with information about how to install on your tablet or computer. It will also have login details.

21 Challenges Every half term, your child is expected to complete one reading and one maths challenge. Select Year 1 Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum challenges

22 Keep you child E-Safe If your child has access to the internet, they have access to lots of inappropriate materials. DON’T BE AFRAID, FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO BE E-SAFE! INFO on the website too.

23 Trips and Visits We have some exciting visits and trips booked in for this school year. Please ensure that any money and forms are returned by the date on the letter. Autumn Term – Black Country Museum and the Cinema. Spring Term Visit from the Herbert Art Gallery ‘Terrific Toys’. Visit from Weird and Wonderful Animals – Science. Summer Term – The Sealife Centre.

24 School Uniform

25 P.E kit EVERY MONDAY What should a P.E kit include?
Trainers or pumps – they CANNOT wear their school shoes. A t-shirt – they CANNOT wear their school t-shirt. This is unhygienic. Jogging bottoms OR shorts depending on preference/the weather.

26 Pastoral Care

27 Broad Heath School Rules.
Behaviour Broad Heath School Rules. Stop, look and listen please (When asked to do so) To respect and care for all things. To give your best. Speak to Everyone respectfully. To follow instructions to the best of your ability.

28 Questions…. Thank you all for attending.
If you need anything please do not hesitate to come and see us. Does anyone have any questions?

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